Support Forum

How can I set the forum so that quotes and/or replies are indented relative to the post above?
I have the forum set to keep the post on top.
All of the replies and quotes are stacked up underneath the original and they're aligned to the left edge.
I prefer to have them look nested.
Thank you for your help.
And is there a way to get email notifications of responses to my posts here? I have no emails in my email box from Simple-Press. Never mind--I found it under options.

At the moment they do - as you note - follow pretty much the standard forum layout. i have some trouble working out quite what they would like indented! Pretty ugly I would have thought.
We do not actually add a class to the first post in a topic that identifies it as such although I would have no problem doing so as who knows - it might prove useful. So that would be my first and the best suggestion/solution. I could arrange to have that added to the core code - we could let you know what code change to make so you get that change early and then you could style the first post differently in some way. That would allow you to then style the remaining pots how you want them also. At least - without spending time trying it I think that would work.
The alternative would be for you to check for the first post in a topic (easily done in the template) and then add a class to either the first post or all subsequent posts fo custom styling.
Do either of these take your fancy?
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Thank you for the reply.
I like the core code fix offered first. Then that could be handled in the theme or style.css for the site.
The idea is to nest the replies like threads are traditionally done. In this way the original post stands out a little more than the others.
In the near future I'm going to jump into making a theme and color overlay specific to our site design (theme, layout and colors). I'll be digging around in this site to learn how to copy and modify a theme to make it my own.
Thanks again for the support.

Well I would still argue that threads in 'traditional forums; are not actually nested and that most still do not reliably do so or even offer the option to displayed threaded.
Anyway - we can do this for you. Open up the file in the main plugin /forum/content/sp-common-view-functions.php
Find the function sp_SectionStart() which is, actually, the very first function in the file.
Track down to case statement and find the case 'post' block.
After the line:
if ($spThisPost->post_pinned) $rowClass.= ' spPinnedPost';
if ($spThisPost->post_index == 1) $rowClass.= ' spFirstPost';
This will enable you to offer special styling for that first post section using, say:
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection.spFirstPost { ... }
OK? I can make sure that change is made to core code for the next SP release.
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