Support Forum
Okay, weird, that fixed it and now I see the media buttons again. But I've never touched that page or any of the options. How could that have gotten messed up like that? Just curious really.
"Have you tried with the media button on the tinyMCE toolbar? That works for me if I want to embed an already local video or one of my own from a known location."
I tried clicking on the video icon and adding my code to "source" nothing displayed at all. Then I tried just adding the AmazonS3 video file and selected "video" from the drop down of options but that didn't display anything either. Any other ideas as to how I can get my videos to display in the forum in a mobile friendly way while still keeping them hosted on Amazon's c cloud?
what are you trying to embed? by that, I mean what is the source code you are posting?
does amazon s3 support oembed? which means you would just paste the url to the media in a post content...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm just trying to embed a simple mp4 video file that is hosted on my own server, in this case it's Amazon S3. I don't know if they support Oembed. I'm not too tech savvy and am not finding much documentation on that on the web.
What I've tried so far is clicking the add a video icon and then adding my Mp4 url to the field and selecting video from the drop down. I've also tried adding the embed code I can generate from EasyVideoPlayer (which is what I normally use on my wordpress pages and pasting that into the html field. Nothing is working.
I currently have a private membership site where I teach monthly lessons. But I also have a forum. The lessons are all hosted on wordpress pages but I felt like if I placed the lessons in the forum itself I would get more engagement with the forum, which will help retain membership. But unless I can embed the video players in the forum posts that won't work. Any ideas?
sorry, I have a couple times 'what' are you trying to embed?? is it a url? an object? an embed? an iframe?
What options in the dialog are you selecting? maybe a screenshot of each tab in the popup...
oembed is the WordPress preferred method for media embedding... you just paste the url in a post - dont use the popup... worth a try, though no clue if Amazon supports the widely used method or not...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry, I was traveling there for a few days... To answer yoru questions...
"'what' are you trying to embed?? is it a url? an object? an embed? an iframe?" My apologies, I thought I was answering that. When I was saying that I was trying to embed an Mp4 I meant a link to an MP4, in other words just a simple video that is hosted on Amazon S3.
Re: "Why not just paste the URL to this video here so we can try it out?" The videos I want to host are part of a paid membership site so I can't publish them publicly. But here is an example of the kind of video. Same format, same compression, hosted in the same place: http://evp-4ded433c38a60-bd5e9.....ffer-1.mp4
Any ideas as to how I can host a video like this directly within a forum post?
I have not investigated this at all but is the Amazon S3 service going to actually allow you to embed videos in applications like Forums? In other words - are they actually going to allow you to stream content from the storage? And if so - do you have details on that please?
Hi, yes, AmazonS3 is essentially just a cloud based server. I have hundreds of videos hosted there that I have embedded in many different players. I've never had any problem embedding a video until now. AS3 is a very popular file hosting service for podcasters and people who need to publish a lot of videos, because its quite cheap as compared to traditional hosting and doesn't tie up your site's bandwidth. It's owned by Amazon and is very robust. If a video hosted on my own server will embed then one hosted on Amazon should as well.
OK. I was under the impression that to enable you to stream from S3 you might need to use login credentials etc. If that s not the case - and we are looking at pretty standard YouTube streaming then I will keep researching.
So how do you embed these videos in your WP blog posts?
I have embedded videos like that with Easy Video Player as well as a simple word press plugin. I think it was called wp embed. EVP is mobile friendly but the wordpress plugin I used was not. I have also used the video embed option in the WP theme Optimize Press. I think they use JW player. I've never really had any issues with anything that had an embed option using an MP4 hosted on AS3. This is the first time.