Support Forum

Can you set me up a temp account with wp admin and SP admin caps? If doable, please pm and I can try to look into tonight.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so not sure what the issue is... put my code back in your spFunctions.php fille... made a post and it was successful with no errors... and it says it sent subscription notices...
can you confirm?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry, not follwoing... I got no errors... you mean you had changed something? confused...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Here is a screen shot of the PM I sent you in regards to creating my own theme. mytheme.
I have followed all instructions to a tee. Not working.
All I want to do is alter the subject line. I want to change "Forum Post" to "CPS Forum Post" shouldn't be this difficult to achieve right?
Point me in the right direction and I can make it happen. I followed your previous instructions to no avail. Broke the whole forum. I reverted back to default theme.
here is my point... you gave me access... I went and added in the code... it worked... no errors at least...
so do you first want me to change the sp theme? I can do that - just didnt know the site wasnt configured when you gave me access...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
give me few minutes to finish up what I am working and will try it using you theme...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World