Support Forum
First of all,
Thanks for such an awesome product.
One thing that really sticks out to me that's incredibly unique on the forum on this site is
A)When you are a guest/not logged in, the "Non-Members Area" goes from the bottom of the screen to the top
That in itself is an awesome feature that I'm also curious about
But more particularly, as to stay on the original topic, I absolutely LOVE how the section for members such as the "Member Support" is faded out when you are a guest. (pic attached below as reference)
This creates the ultimate teaser effect visually.
Would be so grateful if some direction could be given on how exactly that faded effect could be duplicated. (IE: changes in child theme, CSS, etc)
Thanks in Advance!
css... each group (forum too) has a unique id... so for the groups you want, just add another class and style it...
so for us:
$spOpaque = ''; if($spThisUser->guest && $spThisGroup->group_id != 19) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque';
and then add the style to the group display:
sp_ColumnStart("tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft$spOpaque&width=6%&height=55px"); sp_ForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft'); sp_ColumnEnd();
in our spGroupView.php template file adds an opacity style to those forums for a guest...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Before getting into the question about styling, just trying to see if I'm even on the right track. (Full disclosure I have very little knowledge of CSS/Code)
#1) So first thing I did was go try to replace the following lines in the spGroupView.php file that are listed as being "Column 1 of the forum row"
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=6%&height=55px');
sp_ForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
with the above listed code of
sp_ColumnStart("tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft$spOpaque&width=6%&height=55px");
sp_ForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
(Now when I see them side by side I notice the only difference is the $spOpaque line added before the width and height)
#2) Then per the above instructions, I located the Group ID#s that are listed on the Manage Group and Forums tab
#3) Based on that, I changed the above code for the Groups IDs 2-5 as follows:
$spOpaque = ''; if($spThisUser->guest && $spThisGroup->group_id != 2) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque'; $spOpaque = ''; if($spThisUser->guest && $spThisGroup->group_id != 3) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque'; $spOpaque = ''; if($spThisUser->guest && $spThisGroup->group_id != 4) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque'; $spOpaque = ''; if($spThisUser->guest && $spThisGroup->group_id != 5) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque';
Assuming that those first few steps were correct, my big question now is A) Where exactly to place the code. (I tried to add it to the default.php file but I didn't notice any changes in the status. Same for GroupView file ) B) Am I supposed to be plugging/chugging or complimenting some other code for it to have any noticeable effect in the first place? (Which could obviously explain why I haven't seen any effects on the opacity for guests) Thanks Again in Advance!
not exactly sure what you are doing... ie make it opaque for IDs 2-5 or not opaque... but following your lead, after:
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spBodyContainer', 'body');
you want to add it... I would change it to:
$spOpaque = ''; if ($spThisUser->guest) { if ($spThisGroup->group_id < 2 || $spThisGroup->group_id > 5) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque'; }
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hey I'm still struggling with this one.
To clarify my objective is to make the Group 1 ID to fully appear, and for the Group IDs #4 through #5
to appear transparent.
I added the below code right under the section of sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spBodyContainer', 'body');
$spOpaque = ''; if ($spThisUser->guest) { if ($spThisGroup->group_id < 2 || $spThisGroup->group_id > 5) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque'; }
Unfortunately I could still not get anything to noticeably change in the opacity/transparency department.
I read up a bit on the opacity factor and how it can be used to change images
Ex: img {opacity: 0.4;
filter: alpha (opacity = 40);
I now see how there are scales from 0-1 and 0 to 100 and how the lower the number the more transparent the image.
However, I tried plugging and chugging numbers in the above and I still could not get any forum in the Group View to change. Am I still missing a key piece? Also, is there something I have to change in the default.php file regarding the opacity as well?
Thanks Again in Advance!
first, if you want groups 4 and 5 to have the opacity, then you need to update the IDs in the code... something like:
if ($spThisGroup->group_id == 4 || $spThisGroup->group_id == 5) $spOpaque = ' spOpaque';
then for the style, we use:
.spOpaque {
opacity: .5;
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
1 Guest(s)