Support Forum
I'm just setting up my new forum and I renamed the "forum" page to "high-desert-forum" and then to "high-desert-gardening-and-food-forum"
It looks like everything is working, except that the registration email now gives this incorrect link:
Our forum:
registration link??? that looks like the forum link...
go to forum - components - login and registration and make sure those urls are right... you may need to go to forum - integration - page and permalink and reset the forum permalink, but check the other first if the site is working and just the email is wrong...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Not that I'm aware of, it's a very basic site and I didn't even allow registration until I installed the forum.
Just found something else that's not working.
The "" button is checked, but I didn't have to do the math question when registering.
Seems like something is not saving right.
are you running multisite? I dont see a registration page but a signup page... unfortunately, as it stands now, the spam check is only added on standard wp registration page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
oh, sorry, misunderstood...
so on forum - integration - page and permalink, can you verify which page is selected? is the old page in the trash or was it just renamed? another permalnk refresh wouldnt hurt...
then on forum - options - email, did you change any settings there?
asking because you said the email contains:
Our forum:
but, by default, our email wouldnt look like that... its determined by that email panel settings...
so just a bit confused here...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok, I hadn't seen the email option before and you're right, it's not at all looking like it should, comes from WP and I'll revert to a regular installation. With the forum, we don't need multiple blogs and I just have to move one sub blog.
The permalink is set correctly in integration, I renamed the default "forum" page a couple times.
So I'll get rid of multisite, hopefully tomorrow night, and that should fix the registration issues.
Thanks for your help! I'll let you know what happens.
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