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but I was referencing the actual page title... that in the meta title tag... the displayed content page title is different...
I wanted you to put the code in your wp theme page.php file... replace the code you pasted in post #3
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May be I didn't explained well so attach a screenshoot of my page.
What I wish to change is this page title
and the code that I posted on #3 it produce this one.
First I tried to replace that code with yours in page.php but nothing changed so tried to replace in fullwidth_page.php that is the same code but in the specific template and your code only shown as plain text, so I tried to use it as function as I wrote in #9 .
Hope that now be more clear, if isn't please let me know what info I have to provide to help.
I think that there is a function in SP that produce this sequence: "topic | (page) | subforum | forum | (Group) |" and use it as page title, what I ask is to change this sequence to " forum | subforum | topic " if only "topic" is not possible .
Hakuna Matata
to your last paragraph, yes there is a sequence that produces the topic | forum | wp page sequence... but as I explained it used in the head meta title tag which you really dont want to change for seo purposes... so there is no way to alter the sequence short of just writing a new function yourself...
our breadcrumbs do generate the sequence you want, but they are already displayed on the page, so not sure why you want to duplicate it... why not just remove your wp page title and display the sp breadcrumbs in that case?? The breadcrumbs do not have to be graphical like on our site...
which left us with you saying you would take just the first part of that... on topic view, the topic title... on forum view, the forum title... and on group view, the wp page title...
which if you replaced all that wp code from post #3 with my code, should have done... but perhaps there is an error in my code, but I dont see any way it would do the same thing if you remove the old code...
please post that whole code segment from the page.php template file... it should not have the original code and should have my code... I can try testing it out tonight and verify it works...
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