Support Forum
Hello, SimplePress developers!
Can you explain whether there is a possibility to embed a forum topic into a single page somewhere within my site out of the forum itself. To be more clear, if you please, I mention Bbpress where you can with a specific shortcode insert a forum topic anywhere on your site, for instance, on a page that is not the forum one. It`s very useful, I`d be very happy if there is something of the kind. If I`m not clear, I`l try to be more accurate in my explanation.
Hey Sergey,
Unfortunately as the forum is dynamically displayed on one page it's not possible to post elements of it such as entire topics on different WP pages.
However depending on what you want to show elsewhere the blog post linking plugin might work. It enables you to make forum topics from blog posts and has the option for comments to become follow up forum posts and vice versa. This would work for example if you as an admin started a blog post / topic that was intended to be displayed in both places from the start but it won't allow you to convert existing topics.
You can specify what post type you want to use so you could set up a specific custom post type to be used to keep it separate from a main blog, but it will always display on the WP page as a WP post and not a duplicate of the forum page.
Hi Ike, to piggyback on this question since the answer is the same plugin [and please let me know if I should start a new topic], and thank you for answering my pre-sales question, below is what appears when i installed the plugin. I'm going to check the post type: lessons and give it a try. This is coming from zippy courses. If this works, i can see many uses for it and am so excited!!!!