Support Forum
Yes - I thought that might be the case. All the same the forum page - like all WordPress pages - has a defined permalink and it canlt have that in the middle of it. I assume that the actual permalink is just /forum. But that doesn't stick.
Have you set and checked the forum permalink in the Integration > Page and Permalink admin panel?
I have removed all ajax script from my site
now my forum page link is
I added only one forum but 3 will forums are displayed in my page why?
Please help me
Hai thank you for your support,
I removed ajaxscript from my site.
my forum page is
i created only one forum but it showing 3 forums.
please help me why it showing.
Ah - you mean you are seeing three copies of the whole forum.
This is caused by non-standard items within the WordPress theme - usually trying to do something smart or fancy! Most often it is two copies - I think this is the first time I have seen three!
Go to the forum admin > Integration > Page and Permalink panel. At the bottom are a couple of options you could try turning on and off to see if that resolves things (WP Loop and Mutliple Loading options). Try one then the other and both if they both fail to correct it.
Note you also have a serious JavaScript conflict which is stopping the forum loading and jQuery from functioning. This appears to be in an inline script named AjaxSwitcher.
hai thank you,
now forum is diaplyed.
but 3 titles are displayed
You don't want the WP-Admin Permalink panel, you want the Forum options. See from the left Forum > Integration.
Looking at this panel, down the bottom you have 'Theme Display Options' and you want to look at 'Limit forum display to within WordPress loop' and 'Allow multiple loading of forum content'