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I recently moved my site to a new dedicated server and am now receiving this warning when members, including myself upload pictures. We can get the pictures to show up but it still shows as [Image Can Not Be Found].
What kind of housekeeping should I do after moving the site? Any idea as to what causes this?
Here is a link to the last one that I saw:
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
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The problem comes about because if you are using the auto-pop-up-enlargment feature then SP needs to know the width of the image file. The width should really be an attribute of the image tag but sadly a lot of users do not include it. The way SP tries to find out is to send a request to the server hosting the image using a getimagesize() php function call. But to use this successfully then the setting 'allow_url_fopen' in your php ini file has to be turned on. It sounds like yours may not be and I would ask your host if it can be turned on.
We are looking into this to see if there is an alternative method but so far we haven't found anything as good!
Thanks YS,
I have a dedicated server, is this not something I can do my self in the cPanel? Or by changing the php file?
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
yes, its a setting in the php.ini file... Andy was asking you to check its current setting... we suspect that it may be causing these issues on a few servers (most dont disable it)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
root@Fiddlerm [~]# cat /usr/local/lib/php.ini | grep allow_url_fopen
allow_url_fopen = On
root@Fiddlerm [~]#
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
then a bit of a puzzle... is the url to the image correct? you will need to check the database for the post in question... you can use the forum tools for the properties function and get the post id...
the php function getimagesize() is failing to return info on the image...
I think you stated earlier the permissions looked correct... please check the owner (uid, gid) too... and check wp-content, sp-resources and the image uploads directory... they should all basically match wp-content
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
The url is correct.
I just tried to upload a picture as well. It no longer shows after uploading it. The HTML editor shows this:
<p><img title="longhairbandana.JPG" alt="longhairbandana.JPG" src="" width="0" height="0" /></p>
Obviously I can edit the code on each post to get it to work but it's not working correctly automatically.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
so yeah still confused as to why getimagesize() is unable to reach the file... its seems web accessible...
can you paste the contents of a phpinfo() run here?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yellow Swordfish said
We are looking into this to see if there is an alternative method but so far we haven't found anything as good!
That's a pity.
I would not recommend enabling the allow_url_fopen directive. PHP scripts that can access remote files are potentially vulnerable to arbitrary code injection.
I am still hoping for an alternative method.
By the way, Happy New Year!