Support Forum
Ok, after updating the uploader plugin I have users who are reporting a few errors:
Error 999 - Unknown Server Error - this error happens if the physical size (not the file size) is over about 1500 pixels. I have a file upload limit of 400 kb, but many of the files that are producing this error are far less than that, so it appears to be the actual size causing the problem.
Error 109: Image Already Exists - If they try to upload their images again after re-sizing them, they will get an "image already exists" error if they do not re-name them. This is really annoying to someone who just spent time re-sizing, only to come back and get another error. Is there a way to allow images of the same name if the original images failed? maybe append a random number to the file name or something/
there is not much we can do if the server errors out on us... but display server returned an unknown error... with an image of that size, its very possible and maybe likely that you are running out of php memory... image processing like that is very,very cpu intensive... and if the image pixel size is greater than what is allowed, we try to resize it... you might try upping your php memory... our wiki gives you a simple way to do that...
not sure I follow the second one... if the image failed, are you saying the file was still uploaded? hmmm... if that was because the server crapped out with the 500 error, wonder if it left the image around... I can try to see if we get the server error about making sure the uploaded file is removed if the server left it there...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
not sure I follow the second one... if the image failed, are you saying the file was still uploaded?
This "image already exists" error seems to happen anytime someone tries to upload an image that previously failed, even for images that never appeared to upload successfully.
the only way I can find the uploaded image attempt left around is on the server error (msg 999)... and thus far, I have not found a way to go back and delete it... all other known image errors appear to clean up after themselves...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
out of curiosity, how large is large? we, for example, have a 50 kb limit... a lot you can do in that size...
I will see about outputting some text into the uploader about the allowed file sizes and see if I can tweak the error message a bit...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I added some info below the uploader regarding constraints (ie size and dimensions)... you can see it here... I also made if filterable so uses can change or add more info/messages if they want...
I also 'may' have figured out how to remove the file on msg 999... not sure it will always work since with a server error I cannot guarantee where it stopped, but might work for some at least...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I uploaded the nightly plugin build, and now I can't upload any images at all (small, big, .jpg or .JPG). They all immediately return a 999 error. Also, in the new area that says what my upload size limitations are, it says "unlimited" for most of them even though I have limits.
I tried a 20 kb, 100 X 67 pixel .jpg image on your forum just now, and received the same error.
oh crap. I left my debug code in there. Since I cannot make 500 errors happen on my server, I had to force it in the code...
and, well, forgot to remove it... will commit a change here in few minutes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Lisalew (and others)... because of the debug cruft and subsequent fix, I went ahead and updated the nightly builds again so you should be able to grab a new one if you want...
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