Support Forum

yes, you are paying for simple press support... the issue lies with your wp theme... you obviously cannot expect us to fix your wp theme for you... but, that said, we are trying to help you fix your wp theme - happy to do that... but you have to come along for the ride too...
the codex article tries to walk you through it...
The only jquery library that should be loaded is from wp itself.. loading external jquery librarry from googleapis or theme itself, violates the standards of wp and is a recipe for problems...
somewhere, wp theme or other plugin, you are loading:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
that is incorrect... if you can find where it is being loaded, we can help fix it...
first, try switching to the default wp theme... do things work? is jquery loaded right? if so, it probably lies in the theme...
if not, then disable all your other wp plugins... does it work now? yes, then start enabling one by one until it breaks... then we know where to look...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Totally with you and thanks for being patient. I just had a hard time understanding what was being asked.
I did figure out to look for the script and went through every plugin, theme file with no luck. Was super manual but couldn't find anything. The theme portion (which was 1.5.2) I deleted. So it's just down to the google script I guess?
I'll start disabling plugins now. Thanks again and I'll report back.

Ok, found the plugin. Hybrid-Connect - a premium plugin I recently installed. I guess I'll be looking for places where they call in the google jquery and remove it?
I see these two pieces:
// jQuery
wp_register_script('jquery', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery-1.7.2.min.js?v=' . $hc_version);
// Licensing
wp_enqueue_script('hcBackendAdminLicense', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH_ADMIN_LICENSE . '?v=' . $hc_version);
// jQuery UI - need to load jquery UI via CDN so deregister all wordpress jquery ui scripts that may conflict
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUI', $protocol . '//');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUIWidget', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.widget.js');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUICheckbox', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.checkbox.js');
// handle problem themes. Some themes extend jQuery so loading a new version of jquery breaks the site.
if(wp_get_theme() == "Netix - Premium WordPress Landing Page" ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-personal/slidedeck2.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2/slidedeck2-lite.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-professional/slidedeck2-tier20.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-developer/slidedeck2-tier30.php')) {
else {
wp_register_script('jquery', $protocol . '//');
rather than just remove it, you probably still need it loaded - just the wp way...
for example...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
change them to
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

but the line wp_enqueue_script is already there?
should I change this:
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUI', $protocol . '//');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUIWidget', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.widget.js');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUICheckbox', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.checkbox.js');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUIWidget', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.widget.js');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUICheckbox', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.checkbox.js');
else {
wp_register_script('jquery', $protocol . '//');
else {
No. not quite.. a bit more complex based on that...
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUI', $protocol . '//');
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryUIWidget', HYBRIDCONNECT_JS_PATH . '/jquery.ui.widget.js');
the other one, not sure there is enough info (might nee to see if statement)... but change
wp_register_script('jquery', $protocol . '//');
to just
now this changes it everywhere... this could affect your site elsewhere... you may need to only change if on forum page... ie
if (sp_is_forumpage() {
# do the change to stuff
} else {
# do the original stuff
that way the changes are only taking place on the forum page... using the wp jquery and jquery ui should obviously work everywhere, but cannot tell what the author may have done, modified or used...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Thanks for adding more clarity. I made both changes (w/out the if stmt for now), and as expected that resulted in only one jquery being called (still version 1.8.2) from my site directly. But, it did not change anything re: the images on forum posts, I still get "javascript:null" with nothing happening when I click on an image.
Also, not sure if helpful, but during post preview, I could actually enlarge the image, just not in the final post.
Below is the entire code for the 2nd piece including if statement
function frontend_register_scripts() {
$protocol = 'http:';
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$protocol = 'https:';
wp_register_style('hybridconnectreset', HYBRIDCONNECT_CSS_PATH_TEMPLATES . '/problem-with-post-edit-buttonc_reset.css');
// handle problem themes. Some themes extend jQuery so loading a new version of jquery breaks the site.
if(wp_get_theme() == "Netix - Premium WordPress Landing Page" ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-personal/slidedeck2.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2/slidedeck2-lite.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-professional/slidedeck2-tier20.php') ||
is_plugin_active('slidedeck2-developer/slidedeck2-tier30.php')) {
else {
wp_register_script('jquery', $protocol . '//');
that's not what I am seeing... I still see:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
on the forum pages...
looking a bit further it seems you are caching the forum pages.. you cannot do that since its dynamic in nature... so for w3tc, you need to disable it on the wp page the forum is on for ALL types of caching you are using...
and you need to make sure you CDN is not serving up a cached page either since every page is dynamic... all forum content is displayed on that single wp page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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