Support Forum
I was using Simple:Forum and have data on SQL file from I think 3.1.4 and I would like to use in the latest generation of Simple:Press now installed on running on my website. I have tried to use the data on the database as it is and this does not work either creating the new forum on existing data or importing data on the new database.
Would you please be able to assist the conversion of the SQL file to allow importation of topics and posts. The threads are mainly done by guests so I don't see a big issue expect my limited, sorry, non-existing SQL knowledge.
Thank you. Sebastien
do you mean mySQL?
Version 3.1.4? really? wow, dont think we have anyone from that many years back in some time... what version of WP are you on? cant imagine that version would function well with recent WP versions... to get to the current 5.2.x, you will need to be on at least wp 3.3 but we would recommend 3.5
and the only way to get to SP 5.2.2 is to upgrade from SP 4.5.1... so you will first need to upgrade to 4.5.1... and since you are coming from so many versions ago, you will probably need to incrementally upgrade to minor versions given the myriad of wp changes since your version... and we may still have problems from that far back again because of the changes in wp rendering those old versions non functional...
and make db backups along the way just in case...
so first lets try to upgrade you to 4.0 (which btw is from 2008):
then 4.1:
then 4.2:
then 4.3:
then 4.4:
the 4.5.1:
and then give it a shot to go to 5.2.2... fingers crossed...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hello MrPapa,
yeah, I can imagine that I look like an alien with my old version that I dragged in the past to some Wordpress upgrade limitations due to my host. Anyway, I tried as much as I could and I can access an admin menu after upgrade at version 4.2.0 and then I have the message: Simple:Press can not Create Tables in your database at the activation of 4.3.0. I did not find in your forum any similar post (with those words).
I cannot check the function of the 4.2.0 Forum as I don't remember how we were inserting in the page - remember adding some coding earlier.
Thank you, Sebastien
That could mean one of two things.
It could mean that the version of mySQL being used is now too old. It could mean that your host has, for reasons unknown, blocked the use of direct calls to the database using the php mySQL extension functions.
I CAN show you what code to edit to circumvent the problem but it would be best to check the first possibility before we do that. So - can you tell me what version of mySQL your are using there?
Hello YSwordfish,
Thank you for the feedback. Please see further details, let me know if this help.
- Server: mysql10 via TCP/IP
- Server version: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1
- Protocol version: 10
- User:
- MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
- Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny16 with Suhosin-Patch
- MySQL client version: 5.0.51a
- PHP extension: mysqli
I am using WP version 3.5. In the end the most important to me for now is to access my forum data and for now I would not mind if I have to use the older version of Simple forum 3.1 or 4.2 if you help me get the forum to display again. Would you have an old version of the help file that I could use in parallel and see if at least I can do that?
I rather think no version of SP below V5 will run without error on WP3.5. So I think you need to complete the upgrade.
Are you OK making a small code edit? This should not be necessary judging by those version numbers and I am hoping this is not a result of the Wp version.
If you can make an edit you want the file sf-loader-install.php in the plugin's root folder. Right near the bottom is a small test function named sf_test_table_create().
What you need to do is immediately after the opening brace add the line
return true;
which will bypass the version check.
Now, I am on 5.2.2 Simple:Press but in my Forum Admin I only see 3 lines: Admins, Plugins, Themes.
In my database I have the following tables:
wp_sfauthcats, wp_sfauths, wp_sfdefpermissions, wp_sferrorlog, wp_sfforums, wp_sfgroups, wp_sflog, wp_sfmembers, wp_sfmemberships, wp_sfmessages, wp_sfmeta, wp_sfnotices, wp_sfoptions, wp_sfpermissions, wp_sfposts, wp_sfroles, wp_sftopics, wp_sftrack, wp_sfusergroups, wp_sfwaiting
not sure where Andy was going, but under admins, can you manage admins? and add in the missing capabilities?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I am limited to 3 basics options about notifications and logout redirect. I have tried 2 different admin accounts of my website. I have created another admin on the site but he does not have any admin right for the forum and it calls back to the previous admin profiles that have a menu limited to what is described above.
So can I assume from this you mean that under the Admin's menu on the left the only option availavbe is 'Your Admin Options'... correct?
Odd that this should fail to update. I don't believe we have seen that happen before...
Are you able and willing to make a small change directly into a database table?