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I'm trying to import a PHP.BB database into my Simple:Press 5 installation and even though I've used the correct database name, user name and password I'm getting the following error -
The PHP.BB database was originally a PHP.BB 2 that was upgarded to 3.
Could it be be because even though both installations are on the same server, (thus local host), they are currently on different domains and if so, will editing the old database domain and replacing it with the new one then importing the edited one to a new database of the server work or is it a problem as the database is an old version that's been converted.
The domain wont matter at all. It is just access to the database itself.
The users table is the first thing it looks for and it uses that as a test of all of the db settings to see if can access the db. The name of the table in a phpBB system should be 'users' so in your settings there it will be looking for table name of 'phpbb_users'. Does that exist?
I am unsure oif the upgrade procedure within phpBB but i believe most users who have used the importer have been largely on the most up to date version.
So - what about the other db setings? Are they 100% correct?
Thanks for the quick reply Yellow Swordfish.
Yep, all the other database settings, (database name, user name and password), are 100% correct, (I copied and pasted them from the config file of the current installation), with the error message changing now and saying "Unable to query FORUMS using the db settings supplied".
When you update from PHP.BB2 to PHP.BB3 the database is converted from PHP.BB2 to PHP.BB3 format I understand, but you have to leave the PHP.BB2 files as a source although I don't understand the full process.
I can see me being bald by the end of the night, ripping my hair out in frustration here 🙂
Any suggestions please ?
Thanks for your help Yellow Swordfish, I've found what the problem is.
For anybody else having a similar problem, when you upgrade PHP.BB from version 2 to version 3 it creates a second database and install of PHP.BB in another folder of your root domain and to import you have to use the database details from the config file of this second installation
Best wishes,
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