Support Forum

i have a small...not, actualy i have a realy big problem. When i try to import post from bbpress forum, it change some character specific to my country, like ř or č, with empty space or some strange characters. I know its problem of diferent coding, but theres my knowlege ends So, please, is there a way to modify importer to Windows-1250(eastern european) charset?
When i submit new topic, all chars are good, this happens only when i try to import post from old forum.
I hope u understand my message, cause me english is TERRIBLE, so sory about that.
Thanks for your replies and have a nice day guys

So if the source is utf-8 and you have the option turned on within the import to use utf-8 have you looked at the actual database tables to see what encoding they have been created with as the SP tables will inherit the encoding from the database global setting.
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Its simple, i think bbpress screw up coding. Maybe its reforum, i realy dont know. Iam pretty newbie in DB, so i dont know how far can template affect coding. But i thank you, A LOT! If you find that script, it would be great, but for now, i start with manual repairing of DB. Just 4000 post, no more then two weeks of work Thanks again!

The attached script might help. Please note that the table prefix on this script is the default 'wp_' and if different you will need to change it on ALL statements.
It will convert the post content and the topic names. At least that is what it is designed to do and has worked for me in the past.
USE WITH CARE - preferably on a test run of the imported data. You will need a tool like phpMyAdmin to run the script of course. By the way - at the top are articles in the WP Codex on which the script is based.
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