Support Forum
Is it possible to import a list of usernames/passwords so that they will work with Simple:Press?
We want our forum to be invite only, and we'll setup the accounts for our customers. The initial set of accounts however would ideally be imported from a spreadsheet/csv. Is this possible?
I've tried to manually create a user in wp_users to test the process, however that user doesn't get picked up as a user by Simple:Press (it isn't listed under the Members Information menu).
Any help would be kindly appreciated.
Thank you
Well let's say straight out that registerig users is the domain of the WordPress side of things and not within the province of SP. So any import would have to be addressed at the WP level.
As long as the correct WP action hooks get fired, then SP will pick these up - which brings us to the more worrisome part of your question - the one you set up in the WP New Users panel and why did this not get recognised by SP.
So - in the forum admin > Options > Members you can set up the default user groups that new registrants will be automatically assigned to. Can you check that this data is set up correctly for your user groups?
You should also go to the forum admin > User Groups and at the bottom of the main page is a button that will display any users NOT in an SP user group. Is your new user in that list?
Thanks for the quick response.
I've tried using a WP import utility (CSV) and that works a treat with Simple:Press. The only thing that isn't work...and doesn't work on my initial users too is the Profile tab. It looks like its pointing to an old installation path:
Profile form could not be found [C:/Forum/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-overview.php]
Is there anywhere I can change where SP is looking for the Profile Form to reflect its new location?
Thanks again for the quick reply! 😀
I've done this, and it has updated the path but still getting an error. Is the profile section able to use a UNC? The error we're getting now is:
Profile form could not be found [/fileserver/WEBSITES/Forums/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-overview.php]
I'd have thought the path should be \\fileserver\websties\forums\....
just back from a business trip... will look into this tonight or tomorrow... if the other storage locations are fine, and you are able to upload smileys, ranks, etc then we should be able to get this working on your set up too... at least that is the theory...
tens of thousands of downloads and the first to try this I guess
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Myles, I dont really have any kind of system I can test this one... but can you try a small code change for me?
find the file simple-press/forum/profile/ahah/sp-ahah-profile.php and around line 142, find this code:
if (!empty($thisForm) && file_exists($thisForm)) { include_once ($thisForm); } else {
and try changing it to:
if (!empty($thisForm) && file_exists($thisForm)) { $thisForm = str_replace('\\','/',$thisForm); # sanitize for Win32 installs $thisForm = preg_replace('|/+|','/', $thisForm); # remove any duplicate slash $thisForm = trim($thisForm, '/'); include_once ($thisForm); } else {
and see if that helps..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry to be an awkward one! Although seems odd that no one else has their WP install on shared storage.
I've tried the code change but the error still looks the same (tried clearing browser caches)
Profile form could not be found [/fileserver/WEBSITES/Forums/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-overview.php]
Should that attempt to replace the forward slashes with back slashes? I imagine the path should read:
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