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SEO can be quite a chore..
And SP works quite well getting indexed for me at
Looking at: It appears the total text length exceeds the standards. While Google might index this line, though i highly doubt it, Bing will not.
Here is an article with general WordPress SEO Tips, Of course it does not cover SimplePress but since SP follows WordPress it's a decent guide.
Looking at a view source of your home page AIO SEO looks on as far as the home description and keywords. You might be able to tinker with the site name in WordPress > General Settings and possibly drop "the best" from Penny stock forum. This will give you more total line length for your other pages. I have mine just saying the domain That way AIO will just add that as the site name to any other pages other than the home.
I will also take a few SP SEO screen grabs of my sp setup and post it here for a comparison.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
OK, Simon.. Here is a screen grab of my SEO settings.
Another thing you might want to consider is setting up a feed at Google's Feedburner. Once a feed from your forums is set up, you can use the Publicize feature to auto tweet posts from your board. That's another channel of visibility.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
Ok, thanks for that reply fido. I copied your SEO settings and submitted to feedburner, thank you. I also got rid of the best part in my title. I'm not about the length of the URLs, that would suck if that was my problem, but for now not even the main forum page is being indexed.
What's weird is that when I first submitted the sitemap, I saw googlebot and he indeed was scanning my forum, and soon after I saw all the forum pages on google. Next day I checked again and all were gone. Now I'm stuck with everything being indexed except the forum. I've resubmitted and saw googlebot back again, but he never checks my forum pages at all. Not sure why, but he does not like them for some reason.
Another thing to consider is that dreaded Google Panda.
It has wrecked many sites search placement. Google's algorithm favors certain things, and penalizes others. It could even be what your site represents. I have a critic site that Panda literately swept clean from Googles index, lost a ton of deep links too. This is a push by Google to sell more ads!
There are at least two other Google bots that frequent sites where the Google bot has been seen. They are usually not identified as a bot either. There is the adsense bot that checks your sites content. Then there is the Rate Limited Proxy Bot that checks the quality of your sites content. That one i believe is Google Panda!
What are you doing with Bing? Have you submitted your site to Bing webmaster tools and added a sitemap? Bing is being way to picky what they index, in my personal opinion anyway.
A good WordPress plugin called Visitor Maps and Who's Online that's good to click an IP for a look up. Also a very good companion plugin called Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field. That one has the ability to block abusive IP's but best of all shows any referrers. I use both of these.
Best wishes for your site.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
I have the visitor maps and online plugin, that's how I saw googlebot. I've seen the google adsense bot, mediapartners-google, and he scours my forum pages up and down. That darn googlebot though does not seem to like me anymore. It does seem like some sort of penalty, like I said I was indexed briefly and all was well, but they got rid of those pages quickly. If it was just taking a long time to get indexed, I wouldn't be as worried, but since they removed them after indexing them, that seems like a bad sign.
Hi Steve, no problem. Sorry I have not been by in a while. Never too busy to lend a hand.
Drop me an email or a pm if someone here needs any seo advice. I'm not an expert but have a pretty good working knowledge of it from the school of hard knocks.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
that was Andy
but my thanks too!
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