Support Forum
My forum at does not work correctly any longer in Internet Explorer if the user is logged in.
The issue is that it seems clicking links have no effect. New topic button for example or simply links to forums. Sometimes it works if I click like crazy for some time.
I am only seeing the issue in Windows 8.1 (IE11) not seeing it in Windows 7 (IE11) oddly enough. It works fine in Chrome also in 8.1.
Have tested with all other plugins disabled and tried diffferent Wordpress Theme and Simple Press Theme but no change.
Any ideas?
Best regards
There is a problem with that particular combination of Windows and IE that causes the SP tooltips to malfunction. Actually I don not believe the tooltips malfunction as such - more that links and buttons malfunction when the tooltip code is active. We are hunting around for an alternative tooltip routine to use but so far the problem persists as basically they all behave in the same way and something in Windows 8 or IE11 doesn't like it..
We would recommend turning the tooltips off which can be done in the spFunctions.php file of the SP theme you are using by changing the following line:
define('SP_TOOLTIPS', true);
to be false instead of true. And hopefully we will find an alternate routine to use soon!
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