Support Forum
during the beta and RC we had many confirmations that it was working... so if you are having problems, will need more details...
Andy has an ipad and routinely tests on it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
As I said, for me it just seems to be random, I haven't figured out anything I do that triggers it but I'll pay attention and see if I can work anything out.
I can tell you I'm on an iPhone and using the latest iOS ( 5.0.1).
What actually a happens is a complete and sudden shut down of Safari
Not something I have experienced on my iPad but I do not use it that much for the forums. Mainly just for testing.
Regardless of what Apple like to claim (and I am a Mac/iPad user of long standing) - there are still issues with the javascript engines in iOS Safari - at least as I understand the situation.
But yes - if you could monitor it and take note of what you were doing when it dies that could be a great help. And at my end I will try and spend some time on my iPad trying out different things to see if I can replicate a crash.
I have to say as well it is random, I just go to reply to a post on my forum and bang it shuts down. It has only done it a couple of times on my iphone, but I tend to use the Ipad for all my forum work.
I've tried different browsers - safari, grazer and browser, they all do the same. The last couple of nights it has been awful. I was forever closing,,,,I lost patience and went on my laptop, which I don't want to do.
All I'm doing is typing and sometimes I can just get a couple of words typed and bang it's gone.
I wondered whether it might be the resize plugin that may have been doing it, I haven't disabled it yet and seen if that cures the fault. I also thought it was the refresh setting I had so I disabled that and it wasn't that.
I'm at a loss with it. I do a lot of surfing from my Ipad and it has only crashed on the forum. I have 2 members that use Ipads and they have reported the same, it only happens with the forum. It never happened before we updated to this new simple press.
I really love the improvements you have made and don't want to downgrade and lose all my post since I upgraded, I also don't want to use any other forum but yours, BUT I would much prefer to be able to use my Ipad and not my laptop.
I really hope we can find an answer. I wondered if it was anything to do with any Javascript because I know Apple don't like it. I'm stabbing in the dark here mind.
Fingers crossed we find an answer.
Well done with all your hard work with this great forum software...fantastic
By all means, but it is for members only. Should I do a guest area....not delved into that side to let people view the
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