Support Forum
you would have to write a custom simple press plugin to do that... we provide all the hooks for such behavior but its not built in... not too hard, but a bit of coding... dont think its ever been requested before...
you would probably do better just having a standard wp contact form for the application vice embedding it inside the forum...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Not sure you are understanding my request. I need a form that a person would fill out...then all of the variables would be passed to a particular forum. Currently SMF is what we are using and it has a nifty post to forum mod. So the person fills out the application to guild with all of their information and then it posts to the forum board named Applications. We can then view the forum and see any new applicants for the guild. Contact Form only allows email from what I can to this so bear with me. Hope this better explains what I am trying to do.
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