Support Forum
Hi there, I'm hoping you all can help me resolve some issues we're having with our forum. I'm not sure exactly when these problems began, but I visited my forum a couple days ago and noticed a large amount of space from the top of the page to when the forums actually begin.
Also, we can't create new topics. When you click the "Add topic" button, it essentially reloads to the current page and doesn't bring up the new topic window.
I've tried the normal troubleshooting things like ensuring the plugin is up to date, deactivating all other plugins and nothing seems to fix the issue.
Here's the URL to my forums:
Thanks for any help you can provide.
So if this was OK before whatever happened and if you have deactivated ALL WP plugins and it still does not change anything - it comes down to your WP theme. So has that changed or been updated at any time?
let;s look at the display issue first. Start with this FAQ to see if any of those options make a change
Hey Chris,
I'm seeing a few jquery conflicts in the console, it looks like something might be loading it's own jquery library but not sure what.
Although you've disabled all other WP plugins, have you tried a default WP theme? It's possible if that's updated that it could be causing the problem.
Also, might be worth having a play with the options in Forum > Integration > Page and Permalink > Theme Display Options. Specifically the top two, limit display and multiple loading. Try one at a time and see if either of those help.
Whoops! We both posted there!
I was going to mention the script errors. The version of jQuery is OK but the loading of scripts is somewhat weird - every single one at the end like that and clearly some code is trying to use jQuery before it has loaded leading to errors. There are plenty of other forum things not working as well - like the search form and login forms for example.
I think before we could seriously troubleshoot, those script errors your site is throwing would need to be dealt with first as they make it impossible to know what is really going on. And figuring out why everything is loading at the last moment might be useful as well.
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