Support Forum
Hi there,
I may have missed something, but I can't get Simple:Press forum to use the Dutch translation. So, I'll tell you what I have done, could you please tell me if I've done something wrong.
1. I removed Simple:Press version 4, because no one had written anything in the forum (We are still starting up). Last week I had changed the language of the forum (version 4) to Dutch nl_NL without any problem...
2. I installed Simple:Press v5 on our site:
3. I downloaded the file from (export file as 'mo')
4. I renamed the file in accordance with the language we have defined in wp-config.php
5. I uploaded the file... Now there was a problem: I tried to upload the file to /problem-with-post-edit-buttonttpdocs/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-language/simple-press/ but access was denied, I didn't have the write rights in the folder... The folder is in use by user "apache" and I can't change the rights for this folder. So I went to the backend of the site and under storage locations I changed the language files location to /problem-with-post-edit-buttonttpdocs/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-resources/forum-language/simple-press
5a. I uploaded the file to this location.
I would expect this was enough, but .... nope.
Can you explain what I've done wrong ... like I'm a four year old?
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