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server time or profile time... daylight savings time?
but yes, you can get minutes and seconds on last post... definitely working here...
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Have no idea what's going on and what to look for. I make a new post and it shows 1 hour. Can't be S:P I haven't played with the core and settings looks fine.
How do you compute the time to display? Maybe I could try to write a similar simple php scritp and see how it behave and wat it returns?
Yes both are the same and it was working a few days ago when the site went public.
I wrote to my host if they could have mofidied something and all they say is that they have applied an update to CentOS. Never heard of this OS. They list all the modules that have been updated and there is about 100! They say they will do a restart of the server soon so I'll see if it change anything.
It doesn't matter what combination of dates are used or if they are all set the same way (wp, sp, server) the two functions return different values.
sp_nicedate() returns correct only if you use UTC on WP, but, then sp_date() will return incorrectly. One UtC offset works but then the other is double offset.
My fix was to only use nicedate() and use UTC on wp.
But, i think we'd all prefer a real fix so we can use both and expect the same outcome one nice and one datestamp, but, with the correct time.
odd. because we havent seen that. we dont use UTC with wp here and nicedate returns fine for us...
but will have to let Andy weigh in as he has been sorting through any time issues...
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