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Hello, I know that this forum doesn't support Youtubes' Iframe so we have to put the full link such as 'http: blah blah' but when I do that the video gets awfully big and also I have that plugin that automatically posts a topic on your forum when you publish your post but when I embed a youtube video on my blog i use the shortcode like this [youtube= blah blah bah] but it doesn't show when I automatically post it so my question is.
How do I get this shortcode [youtube= blah blah blah] to work on the forum? Also, how can I change/customize the size of the video on the forum not blog post?
have you enabled the youtube shortcode in the forum? its on forum - options - content settings... you have to tell which shortcodes you want to enable since any user could use them...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Ahh yes okay found it! Thank you so much! I also have another question.
There is a conflict betweens wordpress social profile and simplepress profile.
Wordpress asks for the whole url of your social profile like Tweets by BlaBlah
Meanwhile simplepress ask just for the name.
How can I change the settings where the user inputs there whole url instead of just the name?
I'll manually change the code if you tell me which files I have to modify because I tried searching for the files but I couldn't exactly which was which.
we have no way to change that... short of modifying core code which sucks...
but they are in simple-press/forum/content/sp-topic-view-functions.php... you will need to modify each identity function that you want to change, ie sp_PostIndexUserTwitter()
actually, you could do this with some smart filtering... for the twitter routine I just mentioned, you could use our filter 'sph_PostIndexUserTwitter' and remove the double url... that is is a user entered Tweets by myname for their identity, it would end up so you could filter that and replace it with the proper url...
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