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but yes... button issues persist... let me look...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Weird....I didn't get that at all for the rss.....hmmm, ok, maybe I'll put them to accept - I have them turned off right now because it directs me to a white webpage that says: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. (and then the tree is below) This is true for both all rss options and individual forum options....A google Chrome issue?
not sure on the RSS... not a fan of chrome... falling into minority, it seems 🙁
please explain java thing in upper left corner??? in chrome, I get restricted access to url warning...
in firefox, nothing... would expect some sort of js conflict...
what plugins are you running? any trying to hide or conceal stuff? or mod_security on server?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Oh,, lot's (too many) plugins - Akismet, All in one Favicon, All in One SEO pak, Contact Form 7, Contact Form Honeypot, Genesis Featured Widget Amplified, Genesis Simple Comments, Genesis Simple Hooks, Google Analytics for Wordpress, Google XML sitemaps, Jetpack by wordpress, Share and Follow, Simple:Press, Spamfree Wordpress, Tiny MCE Advanced, Wordpress Hit Counter, Wordpress SEO, WP Insert, WP Polls, WP Super Cache....
I know, the list is ridiculous. I use almost all of them on a fairly regular basis, but I need to do some housekeeping too.....
I had this checked in super cache but removed it because I thought that might be the problem (reading through their forums, but I don't really know that it was the same thing they were referring to): mod_rewrite to serve cache files. (Recommended)
So far, I haven't had problems with chrome, but a lot of my users are on chrome as well - it's the new and coming thing and my target audience is quite young, so, even if I switch, they might have the same issue......
I'm sooo bummed - I really love the look of SP - it just a bit laughable though because the main functions of the forum aren't working for me, logging in, adding a topic, lol....
well, lets test and see if we can find anything... usually just process of elimination... We have lots of users using Genesis so dont want to start there...
can you real quick like disable all your other plugins but simple press? and then see if it works? if so, re-enable one by one until it breaks... then we have more info...
if it doesnt work with all disabled then just re-enable and we will go to next step...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Oops, sorry, and your last question: When I hover over or try to click on the top and bottom add topic buttons before I browse topics already there, it reads (in the bottom left hand corner in grey) javascript:void(null)
The same holds true for the login button but it says javascript:void(0) instead
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