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MC said
I cannot even remember how the login was handled on Mingle. I only used it for a few hours, but I do know others were able to log in with no trouble (including using a PC/IE).
Well that is kind of important because I think you will find that Mingle just relies on logging in via the standard Wp login form so you can't make the comparison with that and SP. The standard Wp login form - or a sidebar widget as Tal used above - is going to work because it is just a form - there is no scripting involved.
I am having trouble with the SP login. What's strange is that someone using a PC/IE is able to register, but they are unable to login.
Not strange at all. The register button loads an html form - again - no scripting involved.
Did any of the scripts I posted previously help out?
No - they all seem harmless...
Out of interest - the login button uses the same code to open the form as the Advanced Search form button so if one fails then the search form should fail as well. Does it?
I wasn't making a comparison of one product over the other, but rather trying to give you more clues/information to help solve my problem.
I don't believe the advanced search button is working either. After logging out and searching on the Mac, I get a response (even though it turns up nothing). When I try it on the PC/IE, nothing happens.
I was meaning you can not compare the login function of the two.
I would guess you just have a script conflict and the fact that other browsers open the login window is probably down to the fact they use better javascript engines.
This codex article explains what this means and what to look for:
These things - if this is what it is - can usually be fixed up fairly easily.
Usually the quickest way to try and figure this out is by temporarily switching WP themes back to a supplied one like Twenty-Eleven and see if it works. If not then disabling any plugins one-by-one and testing.
A lot of themes and plugins add stuff in thinking they are helping by using Google CDN Js, minimizing the JS, caching pages or adding in things for specific browsers like IE. By switching themes or deactivating plugins you can usually determine the one that is causing an issue.
good hunting... yup minify stuff can cause problems... especially when we already minify our js scripts....
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reply box? you mean the editor window? probably just css that could be overcome...
thanks for update Tal...
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