Support Forum

After working quite a while with SP now, I found a nasty thing that happened several times to me now:
Being correctly logged in under WP, I start editing a post or PM in SP. Sometimes, this takes a little longer for research aso. When trying to send the post/PN, SP tells me, that I am not allowed to do this and sends me immediately to the login page of SP. No way to go back without login (although WP still says, I am logged in).
After logging in , the whole contents of the edit area is lost and you start from scratch.
Why is SP doing this? At least, a warning could show up so you ar able to copy the content of the editor before logging in again.
Or even better, do not keep different login information than WP!
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(Popular Mechanics, US-Technik-Magazin, 1949)
We do NOT have a separate log in from WP. The ONLY login is via WP. And the only thing that can log you out is WP.
So SP is not doing this to you, but WP...
In wp 3.6, the core devs are adding a heartbeat function and api for determine current logged in status and open a popup when you get logged out and let you log back in without a page load. When the heartbeat and api is done, we will look at adding it to forum pages.
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