Support Forum

We suddenly started to have some trouble when trying to login to SP. We do not believe we changed anything on the site to cause this (I know you have heard that one before). The only thing we did around the same time this started was check the PHP version in our Plesk panel and we hit OK instead of Cancel on the same version we are running. Nothing happened when we did this, but it is the only possible change we made.
Now we can only login to SP if we first login to the WP user. If we try to login directly to the SP user, we are redirected to a link to login to the WP user account and this fails unless to go directly to the WP login directly.
If we login to the WP user, SP works fine.
I suspect this may be a WP issue and not a SP issue, but I am hoping someone had a few ideas. Last time we has something similar we needed to add something to the htaccess file. This seems to be different.
Hopefully someone understands what has occurred here?

The problem I have in answering this is that there is no such thing as an 'SP user'. There are just... users. What you call a WP user and an SP user are one and the same thing. The slide down login form that we offer within SP just logs you into the site - or into your WordPress system - and calls exactly the same code routine as the standard, WP login form.
The only reason in code for being redirected from the SP login form to the standard WP login form is if the credentials being entered fail.
That is unless you have yet another, third party login plugin active which may change things.

The only reason I referred to them as SP User and WP User is I read another post that seemed to imply they are different. So this issue must be a redirect issue. I notice when I try to login to SP it will redirect me to but it will fail. We do not have any other third party login plugin active or installed.

Sorry, If you login to the WordPress loing page first you can access the forum and it works fine. More specifically if you copy the link to another URL it will display the WordPress login. If you login to the WordPress login and then go to the Forum page it will display and work correctly.
However, if you try to do it from within the User Forum the login will hang and eventually just display a blank page.

OK. I think I got it. At the top I read it that you were being redirected to some link from the SP login form.
So it just hangs and then blanks? Sounds pretty bizarre. What about on the Components > Login and Registration admin panel... have you set up some sort of post-login redirect that might be failing by any chance?
And of not - is anything relevant showing up in the error log?

It seems to get lost?
There is no post login redirect.
The error log has 3 notices but no errors or warnings. The notices are shown below.
December 10, 2013 4:16 pm | 24 | php | file: s/simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-auths.php line: 111 function: sp_rebuild_user_auths Notice | Undefined offset: 46 |
December 10, 2013 4:32 pm | 10 | php | file: s/simple-press/sp-startup/site/credentials/sp-credentials.php line: 46 function: sp_logout_redirect Notice | Undefined index: bypasslogout |
December 11, 2013 10:00 am | 34 | php | file: s/simple-press/sp-startup/forum/sp-forum-support-functions.php line: 548 function: sp_get_metakeywords Notice | Undefined index: sfkeywords |

They're all harmless...
So - I am going to have to throw this open to colleagues here to see if anyone has any ideas but so far I have to say we have covered the known possibilities and this seems to be a unique issue. It is just a simple form modelled on the WP login form that calls the same code as the WP form...
I guess I should ask of anything else is failing to work as it should...?
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