Support Forum
For some reason the logout page is always going here: /forums/login/?loggedout=true which is a login registration page.
I have gone to components->login and registration and try to add which is the home page to the logout redirect without any success. It still goes to /forums/login/?loggedout=true
Probably something stupid I am doing. Any advice?
look in your sp theme... the spHead.php template file... look for the template function:
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out'));
you will want to change it there... so something like
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight&logOutLink=', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out'));
should get you there...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
no, I meant the sp theme... the theme you are using for simple press... you selected it on forum - themes - theme list... and where your sp theme is stored is set on forum - integration - storage locations...
an sp theme is just like a wp theme (but for the appearance of your forum)... and just like a wp theme it has template files and css files... the spHead.php template file is analogous to the header.php file of many wp themes... your sp theme controls most everything about your forum appearance... you would customize your sp theme if you want to change the appearance or layout of your forum (much like a wp theme does for your posts/pages)...
before editing a theme of ours, we highly recommend you make your own theme (see in that same area of the codex will be more info about sp themes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Steve. This sort of worked. It does take me to the page I wanted but it doesn't actually log me out.
What I really want is to logout from the forums and wind up in the forums as logged out. So, if I log out of the main website and I go to the forums, it asks me to login. I can do that from the SP login and all is fine. Now, if I logout from the SP site, I'd simply like to go to the SP forums page as a logged out user.
Hope that makes sense.
I am still struggling though - now that I have disabled the errant plugin, the redirect for logout in the SP preferences area works as advertised. However, the redirect for registration does not. Despite what I do when I click on the SP registration button I go here: /wp-signup.php
Can this be worked so I go to a specific page?
Well, sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted...
look in that same spHead.php file... at the top you will see some definitions for the login form: $loginForm
in the list of default arguments, add
'link' => site_url('wp-login.php?action=register', 'login'),
but change it to what you want... maybe site_url('wp-signup.php');
> Simple:Press Support > Sunday, January 06, 2013 4:57 PM > >
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