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Ok I'm right there.
I want to redirect to after logout
I have this..
function sp_logout_redirect() {
global $spThisUser;
$sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
if (!empty($sflogin['sflogouturl'])) {
$sfadminoptions = sp_get_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options');
if ($spThisUser->moderator && $sfadminoptions['bypasslogout']) {
$_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = esc_url(wp_login_url());
} else {
$_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = $sflogin['sflogouturl'];
$_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = apply_filters('sph_logout_redirect', $_REQUEST['redirect_to']);
well, yes... if you said to bypass the logout in the options, that would be the case... sorry, forgot about that option and should have suggested checking it...
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