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I have several wishlist pages, four, all with video embeds, all working fine in wishlist. All but one working fine in SimplePress...I created a 2 min!!
how did you do the video embed?? it should just be the url to the video...
is it what you posted here?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
nothing what??
simplepress doesnt handle video embedding... wp does... and I asked how you embedded? standard url? dont know what an embed code is... do you mean a short code? some command betwee [ and ]?
if so, did you tell simple press to allow that shortcode on forum - options - content?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry... I use this (took out brackets since it would not allow iframe in this post:
iframe src="" width="600" height="338" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe
Which was an issue when I first started using SP, but you guys helped out by doing something to fix it. Which it is fixed, just not on this one page. but no worries....I don't need it fixed....I was thinking about this last night, and decided to simply kill the links from wishlist pages that automatically loads whatever content is on those pagew into the forum (there is an option to do that) and simply direct those members to those pages to watch the videos on the WL page...the forum is now only used for posts and videos...keep is simple, works for me....Rob
well, you cannot post an iframe... its a security risk if you allowed a user to put an iframe on your site - they could all sorts of cross scripting...
so we helped you to allow iframes? was that Brandon? if so, maybe he can remember what he did...
but if you are all set, then may not matter....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
still, can you not just drop the url in?
http :// (no spaces of course)
of course, its a warning here, but should work on your domain...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I suppose I could...I'd have to remove all the code, re- enter every post. Plus, they could send said link outside....You know, I went back in the forum, and voila! the videos are up...weird....very weird...I may just use the URL....while I have your attention, is there a way to get a post to "stick" to the top? Watch this short vid would ya? I need help....R
you can pin the post for it to remain at top... pin the post by editing it or using the forum tools... you can pin multiple posts too... and you can also pin topics..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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