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hey guys I was wondering if there is a way to amek a selection from the avatar pool replace the main avatar for wordpress without disabling having the wordpress avatars take priority?
from what i can figure there isnt but i wanted to double check before I wrote of the pool feature request i had.
No, afraid not... The WP avatar ALWAYS returns you an avatar, so its avatar will be displayed...
So not sure I fully understand what you want to do... If you could explain further, we might be able to come up with some other ideas... its possible you could filter on the avatar returned from wp and if you didn't 'like' it, you could try getting another...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry i was pretty tired when i wrote this thread and I probably should have been more detailed
My current set up is to use a users wordpress/buddypress avatar as their forum avatar, some members have asked if its possible to impliment an avatar "pool" to select from like we had in our old invision free forums (loong before the site came under my adminship)
As i understand it, the only way to make it possible for the forum to replace the wordpress/buddypress avatar with the one they choose from the pool site wide is to make it so that the SP defaults appear above WP default
The main problem with this is it means that my users will loose their avatars and have to reupload them all again which would be a major inconveniance (considering ive had to ask them to do that twice allready due a crop script error in WP/BP affecting transparancy and then affecting blur on the SP forum)
what i need to know is, am i correct in my understanding of this or is there a work around to ensure that the wordpress/buddypress avatars dont get replace with the default "member" "admin" sillouhettes if i place the SP avatars about the WP avatars
hopefully that will clear things up a little
SP runs through the avatar priorities searching for an avatar and stops when one is found... there are two places it will always find an avatar - wp avatars and default sp avatars...
so if you put avatar pool as the first priority, it a user selects one from the pool it will used... if wp avatars is 2nd and there is no pool avatar selected, it will use the wp avatar...
sp default avatar and pool avatars are two different things...
I must caveat to say I have never actually tested this configuration, but it should work as I said...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
oh no i understand that but there is an option to make the avatar from SP replace the WP avatar, but SP default must load before WP default, thats the bit that breaks the site what im wondering is if its possible to make the SP avatar replace the WP one on a sidewide basis without causign the aforementioned problem
I am a little iffy on this basically because I have not tried it but as far as I am aware the routine that returns an avatar in WP (leaving SP aside for a moment) is the get_avatar() function. This is what WP calls a pluggable function which means a theme or plugin can supply an alternate get_avatar() function which will take precedence over the WP core version.
So - in theory - you could replace this function with your own that returns a users SP avatar instead. Just need a little php coding skill!
(Steve - would you say this is achievable?)
wait a minute... you want the SP avatar to replace the WP avatar? that's it? there is an option for this...
forum - profile - avatars... check the option to replace wp avatars with the sp avatar...
then make sure the wp avatar priority is BELOW the sp default avatar... then the wp avatar will never enter into the equation...
but reading through all these posts again, its confusing...
sp default is different than wp avatar which is different from pool avatar... did you even try what I said in post #4? your post #5 has nothing to do with my answer on #4... then you talk about replacing wp avatar with sp avatar... but that is easy as discussed above... unless you expand on your post #5 with info from above... so not sure I have a clear picture...
what my post #4 will do...
if avatar selected from avatar pool, use it... if not, then use the wp avatar (which should be the wp/bp uploaded avatar)...
is that not what you want? if not, then please explain with rules what you want to happen...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
ok currently user avatars are pulled from the WP avatar
placing SP avat above WP avatar will allow SP to replace the WP avatars thoughout the site at the expense of existing WP avatars not displaying unless they are manually re-uploaded into SP (not what i want)
users have requested an avatar "pool" to select from which SP facilitates, is it possile to make this pool (and only this pool) replace the the WP avatars WITHOUT making those who dont choose from the pool loose their avatars or stopping the WP avatars being displayed in the forum
not really sure how i can make that any clearer then it is if you still dont follow :-/
well, sorry, but not sure how I can be more clearer either...
I am not sure if you are trying to do this for the wp site or for the forum or both...
as I said in post #4 and #6, for the forum avatars (that is on the forum pages), if you set the avatar pool priority as the highest and the wp avatars as second, the forum will use a pool avatar IF they have selected one... If not, then it will use the wp avatar...
so think I have answered how to do it on the forum pages already...
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