Support Forum

This is the link command for "Mark All Topics As Read:" http://www.smallgroupchurches......SFMARKREAD
Is that right?
When I click on it I get a message that says: The requested forum does not exist
It used to just reset unread topics to 0. Any input?
but no, it wouldnt have SFMARKREAD actual text in it....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
there is no known issue here so need more details... does your link actually have SFMARKREAD in the url?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, when I hover my mouse pointer over the "Mark All Topics Read" the URL listed in the above post is what it's pointing to.
so are you running 5.3.4? the term SFMARKREAD doesnt even appear anywhere in the code... so I dont understand how it could get into a url...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
My programmer said he just updated the forum last Thursday, Oct 1, but it looks like we're still one update behind. Sounds like the update will probably fix it. Thanks! (I'm sure this represents 50% of the issues people have Thanks for your patience with us).
lol, not sure what bug that was (nothing intentionally changed), but hey, glad its resolved and working!
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