Support Forum
EDIT: Not happening here now. Maybe it's unique to my site or it's a theme related issue that was corrected.
I have an irritating issue with trying to mark a section when editing a post in Simple:Press.
When trying to mark a section to make the edit or add a link or whatever, the screen jumps to the bottom of the page in the browser. I keep going back up to the post to try it again but it's not possible. I need to delete the section using backspace or some other alternative to achieve the goal. This obviously means that I can't copy a section while editing if I desire.
Funny thing is that it's not an issue when making a new post or posting a reply. Only happens in the editing mode. Not unique to my site either. Same thing happens here if I edit a post. Doesn't happen with Firefox. Could be specific to Safari.
It's not a new problem but I haven't taken the time to report it. Presently I'm using Safari 9 and Mac OS X El Capitan.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
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My opinions on Safari are well known and outspoken - and I AM an OSX and IOS user and would never go back to a non-Mac world. So - nothing about glitches running Safari surprise me as their standards are not all they claim to be. This is especially true in terms of their Javascript engine and, to a lesser degree, their CSS3 support. All of which is odd when you consider that the far superior Chrome browser is based on the same 'webkit' display engine!
However - having got that off my chest I have to be honest and say I am not totally sure what you mean by 'mark a section'. Clearly something in the editing mode but can you be more precise and then I can try it myself.
By marking I meant selecting.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
That's an odd one isn't it. Doesn't happen every time but I have not yet worked out what the difference is. I think it might be how long the page is. Oddly - if I have the web console open to see if there are actually any errors reported, it doesn't do it!
We currently have another problem with edit mode on webkit driven browsers (Safari and Chrome). When you go into edit mode the page is supposed to reload with the editor window positioned ready. For some reason a few versions back (of webkit) this stopped working and the page scrolls back up a bit. This could well be connected... Although we don't have a solution yet sadly.
That makes sense. Since I know it has happened on this site too but when I tested it, it did not. 🙂
Also, I tested again on mine and it didn't do it every time. Just like you said.
Just thought that I'd through it out there in case you guys had a good solution and didn't know about it.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
not yet.. but the mac/apple guy is interested in it... 😉
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
not yet.. but the mac/apple guy is interested in it... 😉
We're VERY interested in this. It's a major pain in the butt!
We are (and intend to remain) Safari users and have no problems with other sites. I'm rather surprised Yelliw Swordfish suggests that Safari is flaky - their user base is, after all, a tad larger than Simple:Press!
Anyway, yes, we would really like this fixed.
We have fixed the problem where when editing a post it was no longer loading the editor in the viewport properly. This was a problem unique to webkit browsers - i.e., Chrome and Safari.
I was able to replicate the editor window 'jumping' prior to this fix. After this fix it might not do it. I say 'might not' as I do now see one of the causes of this 'jumping' and once again it does seem to be a unique Safari thing. If I load a post for editing - especially from a topic with a lot of posts on the page - and I start to try and select text before the page has actually finished loading, then it is liable to jump.
This is caused by the fact that Safari will often load images on the page late without initially making space for them. The text and the editor will all be loaded and looking ready - but above that, images are still being loaded, which lengthens the page as content is pushed down to house them, causing a visual jump of the editor. Waiting for the page to finish loading before using the editor allows for a smooth selection.
This may or may not be the reason for the jumping now - if you will both try that it would be interesting to know. And Safari - despite what Apple claim - is not a particularly fast browser. It tends to look fast because of this late loading - and that tends to be fine when reading content from the top of the page - but if you actually watch the address bar and wait for the 'X' to turn back to the reload icon - the page takes longer to actually finish loading than it at first seems.
On the issue of Safari and my own feelings about it - then it is my experience after spending years offering support to people, that the vast majority of Safari users turn on their Mac where Safari is ready to use and never give a thought to looking at alternatives - which is the same situation that the majority of Windows users experienced with old and awful versions of IE. Or - they are just die-hard Apple people who would never consider anything else. This does not make it a good browser. Nor does it make it properly standards compliant. And as at February 2016, only 4.77% of people accessing the internet with a desktop machine used Safari. Which means the vast majority use a better browser with over 75% on Chrome or Firefox.
As an evangelist for the Mac and OSX I would love to be able to say that Safari is a great browser but I am not blind to the fact that Apple get some things wrong. Safari is currently one of them. And - while Safari bashing 🙂 let me just say that my biggest headache with my iPad and iPhone is that I can NOT choose an alternate default browser for all of those internal links!
Sorry, but the page has always been fully loaded so I guess you have another problem.
I'm afraid we are not inclined to switch browsers for a number of reasons - even though we are just one of 4.77%. With that in mind I wonder what percentage of pages accessed on the Internet are Simple:press based?
This isn't the only issue we have with Safari / Simple:press as there are also issues loading images on the iPad.
Maybe you need to make it very clear that your otherwise excellent product is simply not Safari compatible?
I really do hope you can track this annoying problem down!
Well - as I say you can see if things change with the next update which does sort the positioning of the edit window.
I wonder what percentage of pages accessed on the Internet are Simple:press based?
Extremely few. Not sure I understand the relevance of the question though. The figures just suggest that 4.77% of SP users probably use Safari.
there are also issues loading images on the iPad.
What are these? Unless you mean uploading as opposed to loading.