Support Forum
i want to show the members inbox emails in to the sidebar
Ex, let's assume that a member start a topics. and when admin or some other members are posting in to them.
he get's the email notifications.
i want to show that how many new emails he got through the forum
like "you have 12 new message in your inbox."
can you please help me for this.
ok, i understood.
but, i want to count the total new posts under all topics started by a member.
means , if a member starts 3 topics , and other members wrote one post each for each topics.
then he should see that "you have three new posts".
just like what we can find using the function sp_ListNewPostButton();
can you just tell me that when a new member write a post .
then which table & coloum value increase to show it as new or unread.
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