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I've just updated to WP 3.8, Genesis 2.0.2 and Simple:Press Version 5.4.0
I noticed that there are no meta description tag on the forum-pages. I don't know if this also was true before the updates I did. But maybe - my forum sucks in SEO...
I've set it up like this, and added a custom meta description in the field to the left.
The "do not add meta keywords to any forum pages" does not seem to work. Because I have meta keywords showing in the source code.
what keywords? that just means the forum wont add any keywords... if you have other seo plugin or theme adding them, we cannot remove them....
I use genesis a lot and just check any genesis site running simple press and the custom meta description is coming out fine for me...
what does the left side of the seo option panel look like? any other seo plugins?
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