Support Forum
My forum at has been missing smileys since I don't know when. I've been fighting a zillion other fires, but now the missing smileys are driving me nuts!
How do I get smileys to appear? I'm attaching a screenshot so you can see the empty smiley box.
sorry, that link doesnt help much since the site is protected...
you are using Simple Press 5.1.3?
the smileys are an image... can you copy the image itself into a browser for the url and see if it shows? If not, and the file exists in that location, your server settings might not be allowing the web user access....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
OK - let's take it one step at a time!
First go to the forum admin > Integration > Storage Locations. Locate the row for the Smileys folder. Does it state that it exists and is readable/writable? If No then that needs fixing. If yes then this is the path where any smileys will be stored on your server.
Let's assume that is all OK - next go to the forum admin > Components > Smileys.
First question - is the 'use smileys' option turned on? And if so - do you have any smileys showing up in the listing?
Thanks Yellow Swordfish.
I found the folder, both inside forum admin > integration > Storage Locations and on my server, and yes, the "use smileys" option is turned on. But there is nothing inside the folder. Is there a place inside the Simple:Press site where I can find smileys to download and upload into that folder?
Curious. They are supplied at installation time in a zip file that when finished with is removed again so no - you probably don't have them.
I can happily send you our default set or - if you prefer - you can find your own and copy them in - there are thousands out the in the big wide world of course!
If you want me to send you a zip of our default set then it would help if you can tell me if you are able and comfortable running SQL scripts (in phpMyAdmin for example) as I could then also send you a script to set them up to save you having to perform this task manually.
just the contents of the folder? not the folder itself?
or you could add them through forum - components - smileys...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
not sure if my post by email beat yours or not!
but glad its solved... thanks for the update...
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