Support Forum
what do you want to add??? the +1 image? just the image?
if so yes.. just add another column in your forum view template...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
that is what we did in the icon that you replaced with the avatar...
my comment still holds, add another column for that icon... you will have to check the unreads your self for displaying similar to what our template tag did... $spThisForum->unreads will give you the number of unread posts...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
that is what we did in the icon that you replaced with the comment still holds, add another column for that icon... you will have to check the unreads your self for displaying similar to what our template tag did... $spThisForum->unreads will give you the number of unread posts...
The problem is that I really don't know how to do that. I can follow directions well, but not a coder.
in your forum view template file, you will see something like this:
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=48%&height=50px');
that starts the column for the topic name... so just add a new column after that:
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=6%&height=50px'); if ($spThisForum->unreads > 0) sp_AddIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spRight&icon=xxxx'); sp_ColumnEnd();
where xxxx is the name of the image file you want to display... it will need to be located in your sp theme images folder...
I havent actually tested this but should get you close...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I tried to figure this out but there's many areas that start with this?
Do I place that somewhere inside of this:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spIconColumnSection spLeft&width=5%&height=0px');
sp_SubForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
# Column 2 of the forum row
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=49%&height=0px');
sp_SubForumIndexName('tagClass=spRowName', __sp('Browse topics in %NAME%'));
sp_SubForumIndexPageLinks('tagClass=spInRowPageLinks spLeft', __sp('Jump to page %PAGE% of topics'));
# Column 3 of the forum row
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=39%&height=0px');
sp_SubForumIndexTopicCount('tagClass=spInRowCount spLeft', __sp('Topics:'));
sp_SubForumIndexPostCount('tagClass=spInRowCount spLeft', ' '.__sp('Posts:'));
sp_SubForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=spInRowPostLink&order=UTLD&nicedate=0&date=1&time=1&stackdate=0&itemBreak= - ', __sp('Last Post'), __sp('No Topics'));
no, thats subforums... you want after forums... after this
# Column 2 of the topic row # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=48%&height=50px'); sp_TopicIndexName('tagClass=spRowName', __sp('Browse the thread %NAME%')); if (function_exists('sp_TopicDescription')) sp_TopicDescription(); sp_TopicIndexPostPageLinks('tagClass=spInRowPageLinks spLeft', __sp('Jump to page %PAGE% of posts')); if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexTagsList')) sp_TopicIndexTagsList('tagClass=spTopicTagsList spButton spLeft', __sp('Tags'), __sp('Show the tags for this topic')); if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexTopicStatus')) sp_TopicIndexTopicStatus('tagClass=spTopicIndexStatus spButton spLeft', __sp('Search for other topics with this status')); sp_ColumnEnd();
around line 163... in that section, you will need to make sure all the column width dont exceed 100%... the above has a width of 68%.. you should see 5 columns...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Is this for Reboot? Mine looks different?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColForum2&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
sp_TopicIndexName('tagClass=spRowName', __sp('Browse the thread %NAME%'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicDescription')) sp_TopicDescription();
sp_TopicIndexFirstPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=sp_ArrowRightSmall.png&nicedate=0&date=1&time=1&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= - ', __sp('Started By'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexTagsList')) sp_TopicIndexTagsList('tagClass=spTopicTagsList spLeft&delimiter=|&delimiterClass=spTagsDelimiterForum&collapse=0&iconClass=spIcon', __sp(''), __sp('Show the tags for this topic'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexRating')) sp_TopicIndexRating('tagClass=spStatusIcon&spRight&skipZero=1');
Here's how I added the code, however it didn't work. I put the image in the main Reboot image folder, not in the pack folder.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColForum2&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
sp_TopicIndexName('tagClass=spRowName', __sp('Browse the thread %NAME%'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicDescription')) sp_TopicDescription();
sp_TopicIndexFirstPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=sp_ArrowRightSmall.png&nicedate=0&date=1&time=1&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= - ', __sp('Started By'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexTagsList')) sp_TopicIndexTagsList('tagClass=spTopicTagsList spLeft&delimiter=|&delimiterClass=spTagsDelimiterForum&collapse=0&iconClass=spIcon', __sp(''), __sp('Show the tags for this topic'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexRating')) sp_TopicIndexRating('tagClass=spStatusIcon&spRight&skipZero=1');
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0%&height=50px');
if ($spThisForum->unreads > 0) sp_AddIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spRight&icon=sp_Unread.png');
In Reboot the column widths work differently to allow the columns to use different widths for different mobile / tablet viewport sizes:
The column's in the template have the tagId=spColForumX,
The #Id in the stylesheet references a variable in the overlay:
div#spColForumX { width: <?php echo($ColForum_X[0]); ?>; }
So being as the widths are controlled through the overlay, in whatever overlay you are using - see the variable $ColForum_1[0], $ColForum_2[0] etc.. where [0] is with no media rule applied i.e desktop.
As you can see, all the widths add up to 97%, so if you want to make a new one, copy one of the blocks and rename all to $ColForum_5[0], $ColForum_5[800], $ColForum_5[720] etc..
Then you will want to reduce one of the other columns to make some space, and give $ColForum_5[0], a width.
As Steve said - don't exceed 100%, and try and keep it below 99% if possible.
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