Support Forum
You need to download, install and activate the SP 'Admin Bar' plugin. See for install details.
Ahhh...I was hoping that was something that would change with SP5. There are 2 people that run our company and we both want to see all the posts and respond personally. Up until now, I have been going through the "postbag" and she relies on personal unread posts lists. However, she (and other users) complain that it is unreliable. If they refresh the page or log out and back resets to "No New Posts". Are there any settings I can change to make the unread post count more consistant? Thanks...
Trying to make individual admin postbags is actually quite a complex model.
The 'users' new post is currently reset at logout or if the session tracking times out which defaults to 20 minutes of no forum activity. You can lengthen this value (Components > Login and Registration panel). I am also looking at other ways to improve this at this very moment as it happens.
Yes, I read some of the other long threads on that subject and saw other people were having issues as well. Thank you for looking for ways to improve it. Thanks for letting me know where to lengthen the inactive time value...I was looking for that. I increased it to 60 minutes. Hopefully that will help in the meantime. Thanks again...