Support Forum

1) log in
2) go to
3) go to forum - admins - your admin options
4) turn on the admin notification option
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
No... every user who registers and gets an account on a wp site, has access to the admin area... they cant get to all the pages that a wp admin can... its how wp works out of the box...
they use their account name and password to login and visit that page I gave yoy...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I sent your instructions to the moderators and it does not work.
This is what I sent them:
2) go to
3) go to forum – admins – your admin options
4) turn on the admin notification option
This is one reply:
The link in your email took me to with a bunch of letters/symbols after that--but not your site.
I logged into the membership site as per usual but find no Admin link on my screen.
are you sure they are a moderator? to be classified as a moderator, they will have to belong to a usergroup that has the moderator flag set... the permissions dont make a moderator, that flag does... the permissions of course control what they can do...
all admins (sp admins, not necessarily wp admins) and moderators will see something like the screenshot below... depending on the admin capabilities you gave them on forum - admin - manage admins, they may only be able to see the forum - admins - your admin options panel...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
it shows how to grant users access via usergroups and permission sets to forums...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
those two are most unrelated...
but not sure how to express it much more clearly than the codex...
a permission set is a set of access... can view, can post, can edit, etc etc.. a permission set is just a fixed definition of accesses.. you can have as many permission sets (or as few) as you want... so for moderators, you would create the moderator set (one is created by the forum at install btw)... this just defines the accesses...
then you have a user group... this is just a collection of users that you want to have the same accesses... it can be one user or unlimited... if you want the usergroup to have moderator status, you check the moderator flag for the usergroup... again, by default, you get one of these groups at install...
then for each forum, you just assign a user group and a permission set to the forum.... this tells what users in the usergroup can do in that forum... so for moderators, you would assign the moderator usergroup with the moderator permission set to the forum you want them to moderate... if you want different moderators for different forums, you would just have multiple moderator user groups...
you dont assign specific permissions to users - that would be horribly ineffective and inefficient... you create a set of permissions (permission set) and a set of users (user group) and assign them a forum for access...
thats the permissions aspect...
then each user who is a member of the moderator user group (with the moderator flag set) has a small set of options that they choose to enable/disable... one of these is the receive admin notifications on new posts option...
to change or view their options they have to go to the wp admin... by default, wp lets ALL users on a set access the wp admin... that is where users would go to their wp profile for example... of course, as a user, they have very limited access within the wp admin... once in the wp admin, they would go to the forum - admins - you admin options panel...
within sp, we have an option to block users from the wp admin... its on forum - options - global settings... our internal setting is ignored for admins and moderators and they are granted access to the wp admin...
so unless you are running some other plugin that blocks users from accessing the wp admin, any user in a moderator user group will be able to get to the admin options panel...
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