Support Forum

Hello, a user on my forum posted this message.. he brings up a lot of good points. Can you help?
I'm typing up my rules thing, and I was about to put something in about the search function, but then I remembered that the search function is a bit wonky. I just played around with it a bit and I think the problem is that by default, it only searches the posts in the topic, but not the title of the topic. That makes it hard to look for a video that's been posted. Say I tried searching "MLP Unbox" for that McDonalds unboxing video, it wouldn't show up unless someone made a post in that topic containing the words. You can open the advanced search options and change it, though, but still just… yeah. Also, there's currently a 4 letter limit for search words, and I think it should be changed to 3. Some things I'm sure people will search a lot are 3 letters, namely MLP and OKC, but I'm sure there's others, too. Like fat and rap.
so in other words,
1. Can we change the search letter limit
2. Can we make it so the default search function searches both the topic title and content in the post?
the character limit setting is your server... nothing we can do to change it... you will have to change your mysql configuration settings to make it less than 4 which is the mysql default...
yes, the default search is content and not titles... but you can use advance search and search both... or you can change it yourself in the template function for displaying the search...
that will be in your spHead.php template file... at the top... change searchIncludeDef argument...
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Just an FYI on the word search limitation. I'm fairly sure when I looked into this it has to be done on the server level, and requires a reboot and reindex of the database. I didn't go further at the time to find out if my host was willing to make the adjustment as it wasn't that necessary and would just have been nice. I ended up suggesting our users use a tag for 3 letter items to be found.
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