Support Forum

Yeah I just want all sites to use the same forum.
I have to also add that I am not using blogs.dir, so another issue may be coming up as well. Was looking through your install code, its looking for blogs.dir is there anyway to make it default to wherever it put the site folders?
actually, no... that is not how WP and thus Simple Press work...
by default, users on the network sites will not get a role on the main site and as such will not be able to access the forum there...
but there is a wp multisite user membership plugin out there that does give all users on the network sites a role on the main site when they register... so they can then access the forum on the main site... so you will need that plugin and should be good to go... search these forums and you should find the exact name of that plugin... holler if you cannot find it...
as to blogs.dir, we recently found out that wp changed that from being the default directory for multisite networks in the last wp release (3.5)... so we havent had time to change it yet as its a bit complex given the old and new methods... so until we can resolve that, blogs.dir will be used...
keeping up with wp changes that affects plugins is getting to be a full time job...
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Thanks Mr Papa.
I actually fixed the blogs.dir problem on my own. It was rather quick and easy. More than willing to give give you the fixes if you need them for the next iteration. I'm not much of a coder but once I found what I was looking for the forum runs great. I'm not full on setup yet, but if you'd like to look at it to have a sneak peak, everything is working like a champ thus far.
Thanks for the heads up on the multi-user registration, not quite the answer I was hoping for but, it'll work. Really was hoping this would fix my issue for finding a centralized forum where all posts from all sites hit the forum for comments and discussions.
Again thanks for the help, just give me a yell if you need the coding changes to fix the blogs.dir problem.
if you have made the code change and dont mind sharing, absolutely! would help us get it in place soon... but, have to note, we still need to support older installs that are already using blogs.dir as wp did not convert older installs...
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