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Multi-Site install issues
Bruce Dienes
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May 2, 2016 - 3:53 pm

I am finally getting around to addressing the snafus with the multi-site install I created a year or two ago. This is a directory based multisite, not subdomain based.

The issue is that the software assumes that WP is still using blogs.dir for mutisites, and expects all the files to be there. So the install cannot place or access its files. I then create new folders for the plugin and edit the settings under "integration", but I have no idea what files were supposed to be placed there by the automated install.

I am thinking that perhaps I have to create the whole directory tree under blogs.dir, even though WP does not use it at all, and then do an uninstall then reinstall   Is that going to work?

So, I need to uninstall Simple Press plugin from the subsites where it is not working, then reinstall, after creating the directory tree. Some issues:

1. I am assuming that if the plugin is going to be used only on about ten of the 30 or so subsites, that I should not network activate, but install on each subsite.

2. There is one (actually the most active) site, where everything works. So I don't want to completely network uninstall the software and start from scratch, or I will lose two years of posts from that one.

3. For the other sites, there is a range of issues.  Some open the forum, but then give a 404 whenever you click on any button, even though "storage locations" shows green across the board..  Some work, but the icons for the editor don't display. For many, the list of members does not display properly. etc.  A bit of a dog's breakfast.

The key question is: "If I uninstall from a subsite, then reinstall with all expected folders already created in blogs.dir, will it actually work??"

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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May 2, 2016 - 8:38 pm

are you sure you are using the latest version of simple press??  a couple versions ago (would have to check for exactness), we removed all the blogs.dir stuff from install... it no longers tries to use that...

network activate is fine...  maybe not best, but I can only test on directory based (not subdomain)...

if you had previously installed when wp multisite used blogs.dir, it will continue to do so... wp had no built in way to move from that - nor do we... but fresh installs wont use it...

so for you key question... good question...  have never tried a mix like that as really does not make a lot of sense...  so I could be wrong here, but I think it will work...  when a network site installs, it checks for the needed info at the main site...  today, it wont look for blogs.dir.. so if it doesnt it exist it will install the needed pieces at main site...  this could be odd since main site may have couple different set ups... but since no interaction between main site and network site, may not matter...  but if you are uninstalling at network site, then you wont be any worse off to try since you can uninstall again... and it should not affect main site still it uses blogs.dir and the network site wont even look there...   interesting situation...  of course would make db backups here just to be extra safe...

Bruce Dienes
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 3, 2016 - 8:33 am

Ah! Interesting.
This is a directory-based multisite.

So I have turned off "network activate". In that case, if I install on one of the subsites are you saying it will still use blogs.dir because the old main install uses it? Or if it is a reinstall on the subsite with the new version of the software, it will ignore blogs.dir?? Which is the case?

The issue is wanting not to lose the one working set of forums on the subsite that uses it the most. Unless there is a way to completely remove SP from the domain (main and all subsites) then after installing it afresh, restore all the previous forums and posts to that one subsite. I think you have said earlier that this is not possible.

Bruce Dienes
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 3, 2016 - 10:52 am

OK. I did the uninstall and reinstall.

The error message I got was:


[Storage location part 1 ownership failed] - We were unable to create your folders with the correct server ownership and these will need to be manually changed: /var/home/quakerca/

[Storage location part 2 ownership failed] - We were unable to create your folders with the correct server ownership and these will need to be manually changed: /var/home/quakerca/

The install had created the folders, but said it did not have permission to write in them. How can it have permission to create a folder but not write in it???

Re permissions: /var/home/quakerca/
had permisisons for apache only, as that is what runs the web site. I have now added the local user as a group and given the group r/w permission, I assume this will work, but why did it create a list of completely different locations in "storage locations" from what it was asking for in the install???

But when I look at "storage locations", they want: e.g for the Plugins Folder:
wp-content/  ../../sp-resources/forum-plugins
which is outside the web root. Is this normal???

Others (e.g the JS cache) want wp-content/  sp-resources/forum-cache

One has a double slash: wp-content/  sp-resources//forum-feature-images

But this would mean that all subsite installs would share the same file location for these. Is that correct?

If I uninstall and reinstall again, now that the requested locations have local user permissions, will it put files there instead of creating the strange locations in "storage locations"?

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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May 3, 2016 - 11:19 am

I just want you to know that we are not ignoring you but my own knowledge of multi-site and how things work is minimal so I don't want to tender any advice or opinion that may prove to be incorrect.

@mr-papa who is the one familiar with MS will be around later but being away on a business trip he doesn't have full-time access to the forum at the moment. If you can be a little patient he will be online later.

Here and Now
Pro Subscribers
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 3, 2016 - 6:40 pm

Lots of questions there...I'm an experienced multisite admin, but prefer subdomains and only run SimplePress on the main site. With that said:

1. I would recommend activating on a site by site basis, to avoid creation of unnecessary database tables, and keep clutter out of the subsite dashboard which may be confusing to users if they're not all your sites.

2. All sites with forums will use the same storage locations for wp-content/sp-resources.

3. For any display issues, be sure to reset style and script caches from SP Admin on each site.

4. 755 permissions tend to work best for Apache and WordPress to play nice together.

5. Remove any double slashes from storage locations for each site with forums, and ensure they all point to the same folders. This will not be outside the web root, but at the common /wp-content folder.

Hope that helps!

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Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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May 3, 2016 - 7:31 pm

not sure what would be going on here... and as I said, never tried anything with mixed installs...  but I can assure you that any new install will not use blogs.dir...   there is no reference (or at least shouldnt be) any reference to that directory...

the uploads/sites is where wp stores all its mutlisite stuff now for network sites... main site will in wp-content I think (sorry dont have access to code or dev site).. but its definitely different than the network sites...

as I said in original email, it might work but dont know...  when a network site installs, it checks to see if the main site data (common stuff between all network sites) exists and if not, creates it... I was hoping that it would then create it for you... seems reasonable it would, and just leave the blogs.dir stuff alone...  so perhaps in essence you could have olds sites running blogs.dir and new sites running uploads/files..

its certainly possible to create a folder but not have access... for example if its too open...

not sure what the double slashes are from... wonder if not having write kept some stuff from getting created...

perhaps issue caused by the mixed use of blogs.dir and upload/files??? dont know and dont have a way to test...  at this point, all the dev sites are running current multisite logic...

Bruce Dienes
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 3, 2016 - 9:17 pm

OK. I did a second delete and reinstall.

It still wanted to access files outside the web root in its default setup, so I pointed them to appropriate folders created in wp-content/uploads/...etc... and it seems to be working.

This has resolved the member list issue, the edit icons issue, and the 404 issues. Yay!

It will be a lot of work to delete, reinstall and reconfigure 10 subsite forums from scratch, but better than losing the old one!



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 6, 2016 - 12:19 am

interesting... thanks for the update...  I wish wp had included an upgrade from blogs.dir, but alas they left em hanging...

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