Support Forum
These are response headers. @mr-papa was actually asking about the response data portion - what is returned from the AJAX code itself. Some web consoles - or add-pons like Firebug - will show you the raw data and/or the html.
And what about Incapsula itself? If that is cacheing AJAX requests then that could do this every time. And would also explain the greater likelyhood of non-logged in users from having success. I would strongly suggest that you try disabling it, ensuring the cache is empty and then retrying some of these actions. If nothing else it can rule it out.
I'm travelling at the moment so hard to find time to disable all plugins and test just now.
But I don't think it's Incapsula. It's been running for months and is configured not to cache any url containing excel-forum or admin-ajax.php
But just to make sure I turned off Incapsula, edited my hosts file to bypass Sucuri and Incapsula and make my PC resolve all requests direct to my server IP address, and cleared my browser cache.
I had exactly the same behaviour/problems.
When logged in I get 'Access denied - security check failed' clicking on About SP.
Why is it only when I am logged in?
Should the nonce change if you are logged in or out? I thought the nonce was generated once per day for the URL?
Can you check the response data? I'm not an expert in this and not sure what you are looking for.
But, for requests that don't work, the response data is either nothing (e.g clicking on View New Posts) or the error message e.g. I get this when I click on About SP
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
spjDialogHtml('', '<div style="margin: 5px; border: 2px solid red; padding: 10px;"><p><img src="" alt="" style="float:left; margin: -4px 10px 0 0;" /><b>Access denied - security check failed<br />Unable to complete the request</b></p><p><b>Please reload the page and retry the operation</b></p></div>', 'Security Alert', 0, 0, 'center', '');
And, when I click on View New Posts, why do the numbers beside Unread, Need Moderation and Spam disappear? Looks like SP is doing something?
Why does the backend work? SP uses nonces there too but works ok.
I'm obviously logged in here and this works, and this is through Sucuri and Incapsula.:
Request URL:https://www.myonlinetraininghu.....3880322705
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200
Remote Address:
Response Headers
cache-control:no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
date:Sun, 08 Jan 2017 12:58:46 GMT
expires:Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
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Query String Parameters
view source
view URL encoded
Well the main reason we don't have an immediate answer is because nobody else comes close to having these problems. And when that happens the answer is invariably environmental and server or component related.
I agree with @mr-papa that paring things back to a clean slate with all plugins deactivated and even the theme changed for testing what is what might be the only way to trap the point of conflict. Unless he has any other ideas prior to doing that...?
As an additional observation - and just for the record - if you are the only user accessing the admin then a rogue cache would still best explain what you are experiencing. You work in the admin and it would cache the nonce so your next trip in would use the same nonce and would therefore cause no issues. If you have a second admin account in SP it might be worth performing some actions with one account and then switching to the second to perform the same actions to see if they worked. If they failed - then caching becomes the most probable candidate.
This is already perhaps the case on the front end of the site...
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