Support Forum
I was reading about some other folks having problems, but I have no add-ons to the forums. All of my updates are current.
Can someone take a look and let me know if I've configured something wrong?
When I mouse over the 'add topic' the firefox browser says javascript:void(null)
I did a quick look and it looks like you are loading an Jquery from Google's api jquery-ui.min.js"
I can't tell if from your theme or a plugin but I would look into that first as it can cause problems.
There is more info in the codex about that but I would start there first.
I figured out what was wrong. My theme "Showcase" from WPMU's paid service has a call for google analytics. I left it empty as I wasn't using it, but the code is still there messing things up.
We just selected the option to load javascript in the footer (in integration) and that seemed to fix it.
good to hear. thanks for the update!
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