Support Forum
The forum on my clients site has disappeared and is now reverting to the login screen and Im not sure why and pin down the problem.
I am running this on a sub-domain multisite install. Can anyone help find out whats causing this please.
The forum is here
Best Regards Hugo
Ok I have pinned it down to the domain mapping tool.
It works fine on the sub-domain
but not when mapped to
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? please
to give you an idea of where the problem is see this link
the first image shows the domain mapping plugin where it is now mapped to
the second image show how simple:press still uses the original permalink.
Does this mean that simple:press is not multisite ready?
Or is there something that can be done to change/edit/problem-with-post-edit-buttonack this permalink!
It's not really a multi-site issue is it. It's a domain-mapping issue. Simple:Press derives the forum permalink from the WordPress core function get_permalink(page ID); and what you see there is what it returns. Can I assume if, after the domain mapping is in place, you click on the update forum permalink button that it retains the real domain? If so - and I expect it does - that is because it is what WordPress is reporting as the actual domain.
It might be possible to fool the system by manually setting the permalink you want in the database but the problem there is that if the function to update it needs to be called then it will get overwritten. This would happen, for example, when an SP plugin was activated that added to the WP rewrite rules.
yes the update just returns the actual domain.
strange that you have never come across this situation before. The domain mapping plugin is one of the most popular plugins 'Wordpress MU Domain Mapping'.
guessing it just means that SP is not ready for multisite yet as it is making a call for the permalink and has no option to manually insert one.
How do you think I can solve this?
Well I didn't say we had never come across this situation before. What I actually said was I was not an MS expert. As it happens I am pretty sure we have had users talk positively about the domain mapping plugin before now. Steve is best placed to answer this but is not back for a couple of days.
To say that SP 'has no option to manually insert one' is actually incorrect. It is on the WP Admin > Settings > General paneI - so I am curious. How do other WordPress pages and posts on this domain have their permalink resolved?