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Hi guys. I created my own theme and for some reason, when I edit the "mytheme.php" file, the "Update File" button does not work. I have tried it on a couple of occasions. It will let me save changes to my overlay files, but not mytheme.php. I ended up making the changes through FTP, but I am wondering if this is an issue you have seen before. Any suggestions? Thanks...
I assume mytheme.php is the main theme file of your theme called mytheme?
there are no known issues editing it... just tried a quick test on couple of theme files, and no issue...
so what happens when you try to save it?? be worth checking permissions on the file and its parent directory too (though latter probably okay if you can update overlays)...
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those look okay... what about ownership, ie uid and gid?
and you didnt say what happens when you try to save? what is the status message in yellow, fading box at top...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Not sure what uid and gid is, but on the mytheme.php file: Owner, Group, and Others are all checked to "Read". Only Owner is also checked to "Write". No one is checked for "Execute". For the folder "mytheme" it is the same for "Read" and "Write", but they are also all checked for "Execute".
Nothing happens when I click the button. It is like it is dead. When I hover over it, it does change from cursor to hand, so it recognizes it, but when I click it...nothing. No status message.
uid and gid tell you the user (on the unix server) and group that owns the file... its just as important as the permissions... you can figure out the uid and gid from ssh ( or from ftp usually... typically it will be of forum user:user... might ask your host if you cannot figure it out...
so no save status message like other admin panels? so need to know what kind of error you are getting when you click... with firefox and firebug console open (or browser and dev tool of choice), what do you see when you click on the button? any errors listed? might need to look at the response too... you should see it come up in the console if no error and can 'expand' it to see the response message....
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I have kinda given up on this. I wish the button worked, but can't get the uid or gid info. I called my host and spent a while on the phone with them to no avail. I am not a developer and have never used SSH. The host had to tell me what it Getting a little over my head...
did you try the last part? with firefox and firebug? might be something else going on... no status message? and the error might be useful...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so the server 500 error would normally occur when the permissions are not set right on the php files or the directory tree...
know we started down this path... but normally need to verify that wp-content, plugins and simple-press are set to 0755 (this is different locations than we checked before)... depending on your server, this could need to be 0775... also 0777 could cause problems and is not needed...
and then within the simple press folder and its subdirs, check that php files are 0644.. again, based on your server, could be 0664...
if you got ssh access, you can simply get the uid and gid by doing a 'ls -la' where you want to see... it will show for all files after the permissions something like name:name where name is the file owner and may not be the same on either side of the :...
odd that this would only happen on this one ajax request and not the others...
might ask you host what flavor of php your are running (ie suhosin, suphp, dos, cgi, etc)
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