Support Forum
sure... just have the permission set that requires moderation applied only to the one forum... other forums get a different permission set where moderation not required...
see our codex getting started section to understand how permissions and usergroups work:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks, but I think I'm still missing something. I can see that different forums can have different permission sets... but...
I can see in Permissions "Can bypass all post moderation," and "Can bypass First Post moderation," but I need to require moderation for the first post in a topic only, i.e., the "start topic post." Others will be allowed without moderation.
this faq explains how those two moderation things work:
but sorry, its first post by user... not topic... we do not currently have that capability... though you could certainly add via plugin... first time anyone has asked for it frankly...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
its really quite easy and think Andy posted the how once you get a filter...
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