Support Forum
I upgraded to the latest version of the software over a week ago, and my users have found some problems. This was the first message I got:
Jennie the icon for the "Unread and recently updated topics" section is no longer functioning reliably. Geneece made a post, about 50 minutes ago and it's not showing in this particular section, but you can see it listed on the main forum's page, which is how I spotted it. I was trying to stick with the 'unread and recently updated topics' portion of the board, helping me to quickly scan if there were new posts.
Then this:
Regarding the 'recently post' icons on the front page of the forums, it's not working in Chrome, BUT, it's working on my smart phone!
Haven't a clue why it's not working in Chrome or FF, not sure about those who are able to use IE if they can see those icons or not.
And now this:
Tonight when I came to the board, the 'unread and recently updated' section was working. The icons were there AND the time frame from which that last post was made, was also correct. When on the forum, I made a post and hit the link to "message forum" found in the upper left, under the 'home link'. When I scrolled down the front forum page, the 'unread and recently updated' section was not working again. The icons were now gone and the last post was now 2, 3, 4 weeks and one month ago. It's not registering, though when I first came to board, it was working. I don't know why the inconsistency. I am using Chrome, if that's at all helpful!
Then this week someone dropped me a line to let me know the "insert image" icon/feature is gone:
I was sure there was an upload photos icon for including photos in posts. Now I'm not seeing it, in either browser I have tried. I thought it was up with the bold, italics, underline, link, spellcheck, etc. icon bar.
To which another member responded:
Yes, have been for more than a week now. Either I have to work out the html myself or cut and past from a public google site or yahoo.
And another:
I'm glad you brought this up. I thought there had been one as well and could not find it. I had not used it, because it meant loading from on online photo hosting site, and I wanted to upload from my computer. However, I thought I would try the 'old fashion' approach with photobuckets, but the icon was gone! I wasn't sure if that was intentional on Jennie's part or if it just happened as a result of the upgrade.
I've checked on the back end, and the permission to upload images/files is still there. I did upgrade to the latest version of the TinyMCE plugin, thinking that might help, but the image upload button is still gone.
Thanks for your help, guys, and Happy Holidays!
I have had similar posts and comments made on my site and PM's sent. Thanks for posting these Jennie.
I also have one guy that cannot find the PM even though he has and uses the PM on the other site that I have. I went into his settings to see whether or not he had the "Opt out of PM" option checked but he did not.
Also, a lot of complaints about the quote function. I personally do not have any trouble with it but many have complained and they never complained before the upgrade. I'll try to get you guys better details as to the issues later.
Thanks guys.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
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not sure where to start - since this is a first report for many of these with over ten thousand folks having upgraded thus far...
nothing was touched in the recent upgrade regarding unread or recent posts (at least that we are aware of)... do you have a link to your site? this is happening for all users?
can you explain further on insert image? are you referring to the file uploader plugin? or the image url inserter on tinymce? if latter, check your forum - components - tinymce editor panel and make sure you have image and media listed and not imagemedia... this was an issue long ago - not on this upgrade...
if you do mean the file uploader, do you have the latest file uploader? and if so, are you using the older toolbar layout for our buttons (ie smileys, filer uploader, pollse, etc) or have you changed over to the new integrated toolbar (like on this site with all our special buttons in single area)?
please elaborate... what is happening with quotes??? and with pm's sent??? in the integrated pm inbox (since 5.0), sent pms are just co-mingle with received pms - there is not a separate location for them...
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What I meant to say is that I have had similar complaints as Jennie. Didn't do much about it since I can't recreate there troubles with my system.
See below the complaints. They are not very clear, I know. Even less clear than me right?
Hi Pierre,
Typing to a Quote, doesn't work. No typed word I'd inserted.
On normal "reply" it seems fine until I try and go back and edit text, then it just hangs.
Hi Pierre,
Randomly, I stillan't use the forum.
Basic problem
Is I can't go back and edit and sometimes it tells me I can't post as I haven't types a response.
The next two have to do with instead of
I have no inbox button like I do here on fiddlerman. You say you sent me a PM there but nothing shows, because as I say, I have no inbox tab showing. When I go to a profile there is no send PM option.
I know youve PMed me there before, just letting you know its not available now, I dont know whats going on with it, seems to be one thing after another
anyway, if it cant be fixed dont worry about it.
I havent tried a different browser, but why would it work on fiddleman and not violaman ? I have tried it on a different OS, this is linux Im currently on and its the same
Sorry I don't have better information for you. Only thing I know is that these guys are regulars and used to using the forum.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
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Here are a few more:
Ferret said
TerryT said
What sort of probs ya having Ferret. Random typing? JavaScript 'copy' can't post coz no writing'?Maybe we have the same issue. Only on my iPhone tho. Computer see ok
Yes, all of the above. I would say its the same issue.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
lets try something real quick and easy... can you go edit the sp-config.php file in the simple-press root directory and add this line:
define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);
that helped a couple... lets see about you...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
(snip) can you explain further on insert image? are you referring to the file uploader plugin? or the image url inserter on tinymce? if latter, check your forum - components - tinymce editor panel and make sure you have image and media listed and not imagemedia... this was an issue long ago - not on this upgrade...
Okay, I went into Components to check, and the list does say "imagemedia" rather than "image and media." How do I fix that? And how did I get it in the first place? I have the latest versions of both the forum software and the TinyMCE plugin...
if you do mean the file uploader, do you have the latest file uploader? and if so, are you using the older toolbar layout for our buttons (ie smileys, filer uploader, pollse, etc) or have you changed over to the new integrated toolbar (like on this site with all our special buttons in single area)?
On this one, I have no clue. You can check my forum at I installed the new message forum in October and just upgraded a little over a week ago.
Thanks for your help!
TinyMCE Editor: The entry 'imagemedia' in the list should simply have a comma between the two words so it becomes 'image,media' (without the quotes of course). Enter the comma and update the panel.
We can not tell from your forum display. To check the version go to the forum admin > Toolbox > Environment. What is the version number shown against 'File Uploader with plUpload'? Then please go to forum admin > Options > Global Display Settings and let us know if the option 'Use the integrated editor options toolbar' is turned on (i.e., green) or not.
Yellow Swordfish said
TinyMCE Editor: The entry 'imagemedia' in the list should simply have a comma between the two words so it becomes 'image,media' (without the quotes of course). Enter the comma and update the panel.
Bingo! Now the image uploader is back. Thanks.
We can not tell from your forum display. To check the version go to the forum admin > Toolbox > Environment. What is the version number shown against 'File Uploader with plUpload'? Then please go to forum admin > Options > Global Display Settings and let us know if the option 'Use the integrated editor options toolbar' is turned on (i.e., green) or not.
File Uploader with Plupload (1.3)
Under "General Display Settings," the "integrated editor options toolbar" is unchecked. Should I check it?
re integrated toolbar... that is up to you... take a look at how all of our optional sp buttons (smileys, options, attachments, reply, cancel, preview, etc) are all grouped together now... and compare to yours where they are always shown and in distinct regions... which do you like better?
if you want to switch to the integrated toolbar, be sure to check out our codex article on theme settings to utilize:
there is no need or requirement to switch to it if you dont want too... I asked the question because I was (and still am) unsure as to the mechanics your user was attempting to do... were they using (or wanted) the button in tinymce or the attachments button from the file uploader plugin?
did the change to image,media give you the desired results?
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