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I am using Wishlist member and SimplePress together and so far I'm pretty happy with the way it's all managed. The registration process for new members works seamlessly. They register through WishList and are automatically assigned to the right User Group on SimplePress so all good there.
The problem is when a member upgrades from Basic to Silver membership. SP does not take the upgrade into account and so my members are still in the 'Basic' user group which means they don't have the right permissions etc...
At the moment I am going in to the back end and manually moving the members from one User Group to another but as I get kore and more members upgrading, this will not be a viable solution.
How do I get Wishlist to talk to SP and make sure my members are upgraded everywhere? is it something to do with the Map Users functionality and how does it work?
Many thanks,

You DO need the Map Users to User Group tool but this works from WordPress 'Roles'.
As Simple:Press is a WP plugin we use the WP user data and can automatically detect when a user role changes and the Mapping tool can respond to that and move members within user groups. Plugins like WishList do not change the user role or, in fact, the user data so we have no way of being informed of such a change.
The key is get WishList to change WP roles which then get mapped back to SP. This codex article will hopefully explain this in more detail:
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Hi, thanks for that. I had already mapped the WP user roles to WL and I have a plugin that moves members from one role to another when they upgrade or change membership level so that all works. When a new member registers she goes into the right user group on the forum. It's just the upgrades that don't get mapped. Do I have to use the mapping toll manually, say on a daily basis or is there a way to automate that? I have basic members updating to bumper level on a daily basis.

Thanks. I have looked at the 'Help' pop up but I am still not clear on how to automate the upgrade exactly. I am attaching a screen shot of my settings and would be very grateful if you tell me what I need to do to make sure that Basic members automatically get upgraded to Bumper members user group on SP when they upgrade through wishlist.
Many thanks,

TOLE MANAGER: Role Management for WordPress 2.0.x, up to 2.6.x.
when a user upgrades in wishlist, do you have wishlist changing the wp role? for us to know a change in user, they would have to get a new wp role... in which case the mapping could be used...
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