Support Forum
Had a lot of problems with last update-two plugins deactivated -wp super cache and mobile plugin-reason being the main page kept coming up with a mobile look.Reactivated wp super cache and reset,all seems ok.have you had any problems with the wordpress mobile edition which I have now deleted all files
not sure what WordPress mobile edition is... a plugin for WP?
if you are using wp super cache, have you told it to ignore the forum page? you cannot cache the forum since its dynamically generated...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
The mobile plugin has a link to change page to a better look for mobile phones.Anyway got rid of that,now need to do as you mentioned with WP Super cache and tell it to ignore forum,am certain that is my problem as posts some times do not show up for hours,will let you know how I go-Thank you for advice
okay. yeah, the plugin on its settings page, has an option to ignore certain pages... just put the wp page slug for the page the forum appears on in the exclude list... something like /forum/ but replace forum with your page slug...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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